Chapter 11

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Kai's POV

An upwards pan and several cuts show the dilapidated village. Me, Ruby and Jaune walk down the road, carrying Qrow on a stretcher. They pause and look unhappily around.

Jaune: Oh, man.

Ruby: Come on.

We continue forward.

Ruby: Any of these places look like a pharmacy?

Jaune: It's... honestly hard to tell.

Among the ruins there was an abandoned bicycle.

Ruby: Ren really didn't want to come here, did he?

Jaune:Uh... didn't seem so.

Ruby: Do you know... why?

Kai: I think I have a pretty good idea...

We went continued to look around the place.

3rd person POV
Before the Collapse: Brooklyn

In the time of the Golden age, in the street a car driving, inside a mother, a father, their daughter.

???: Sofia honey, wanna get ice cream?

Sofia: Sure, is been a while that I didn't had ice cream. Ooh, can I have triple scoop?!.

Then the father speaks.

???: I think one scoop is enough, you don't wanna get sugar crash?

???: Oh come on Harold, she deserve a little bit of sugar.

Harold: Ariana remember the last time she ate to much sugar, she was in the hospital for three from the sugar crash. That's why she gets invited to the birthday after the kids eats the sweets and Star doesn't.

Ariana: Hey she didn't get the sweet tooth from me, she got it from you.

Harold: *sigh* well you got me there.

Sofia pop her head forward to her parents.

Sofia: So, no ice cream?

Harold: *sigh* Fine. Just because your to adorable.

Time Skip

They were in the ice cream shop, sitting together eating their ice cream.

Ariana: Enjoy your ice cream sweet heart.

Sofia: Yeah, and is sweet.

Harold: That's because you pick the with most sugar.

Sofia: Well dad, everything that has more sugar, taste better.

Ariana: Ow, Ow, Ow.

Harold: Honey what's wrong?

Ariana: Brain Freeze!

Sofia: You had to eat it fast, did it you?

Ariana: Ow, Ow, owwwww.

Sofia and Harold they started laughing at Ariana brain freeze. Then Sofia noticed everybody in the shop looking at something. She noticed they're all looking at the TV with the news. She looks at and left her shocked.

Sofia: Mom.

Ariana: What is Sofia?

She noticed her daughter looking at the TV with fear. She turn and looked at the news and gasped.

Reporter: We lost communication from the colony from Mars. Clovis Bray has been trying to find a way to communicate with Mars, but all signal and satellites has disappeared. Clovis Bray are trying to find the answer to the problem.

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