Chapter 12

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3rd person POV

An arcing slash of fire moves across the black screen, quickly followed by another. There is a brief beat before two more fiery arcs slash across the screen. An irregular circle of flame bursts outward from the center, revealing behind the black a panting Cinder Fall.

She is in a large, empty room. Behind her is a darkened arched hallway. On either side of the arch, the walls of the room have a low ledge the bear several burning white candles. Four Beowolves approach Cinder, moving in a semicircle formation. Cinder swings her left arm at them, sending another slash of fire. It cuts through the middle of all four Grimm and they disintegrate away.

Cinder pants again, still upright yet taking a breather. She does not get long, as heavy footsteps approach from her left. She gasps and looks in their direction. A Beringel leaps into the air, ready to deliver a blow to her with its fist. Cinder, however, pulls back her right arm and pushes a ball of flame right at it. It, too, disintegrates.

As its body disappears, Cinder falls to her knees, breathing heavily.

Salem: Enough.

Salem walks forward while Cinder continues to struggle for normal breathing.

Salem: I thought you were the girl who wanted power. Did you lie to me?

Cinder winces on the force of Salem's question before looking upward. Turning to face Salem, Cinder clearly shakes her head negatively.

Salem: Then stop holding back. If you wish to master your new powers, you must -

Salem is cut off by the sound of heavy doors opening. On the opposite end of the stone hall, a angry Reaper enters, dragging a sobbing Tyrian Callows. She goes throws him on his knees once in the room, both hands flat on the floor and his head bowed.

Tyrian: *softly* I'm sorry. *raising his hand to his chin* She'll forgive me. Pleeeease.

Star: Worthless piece of shit.

She kicks him aside. Salem walked toward her, as Tyrian bows again on the last word.

Tyrian: Forgive me...

Star: Well, he fucked up the mission, because of him, I got defeated by that bastard Guardian.

Salem: Kai Raider still lives.

Star: If you want to know more, ask the tailless batsard.

She then looks at Tyrian.

Salem: Tyrian!

She stands before him. He raises his body but remains sitting on his legs while Cinder rises from the stone floor behind Salem.

Salem: *holding out her arm imperially* Your task - were you successful?

Tyrian: *bowing his head* N-no.

Cinder's eye widens. Salem also looks surprised for a moment before narrowing her eyes and walking away. Cinder watches their leader for her further reaction without looking at Tyrian.

Tyrian: *begging and turning his body to remain facing Salem* But-but hope is not lost! My tail, my stinger... I-I poisoned him, Qrow! He will not be a nuisance to you any longer, no... no longer! I've done that... have I done well? Have I pleased you?

Salem: The last eye is blinded... you disappoint me.

Salem leaves. Tyrian falls forward, wailing. Star was smiling at his sorrow.

Star: Poor bastard.

She puts her finger in her mouth whistling, calling a Grimm. A Beowolf approaches, all focused on Tyrian's negative emotions. It ignores Cinder and leaps upon him. Tyrian sends it away with a single blow and it lands on its back. Still wailing, Tyrian opens his weapons and leaps atop the Beowolf. He slashes at it repeatedly, tears streaming down his face. His wails gradually turn into laughter as he vents his grief into the butchering of the Grimm. Cinder watches, horrified. And Star lean next to her, and whisper to her.

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