Chapter 4

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Blake's POV

Seagulls call as the ship moves over peaceful blue waters. A pan of the boat from bow to stern reveals... I rests on the hands on the rail and staring out at the ocean. I blinked and look over my right shoulder, somewhat startled me. Two kids were just laughing over a joke. I almost smiles and turns to look back at the ocean. Then I hear footsteps approach.

Captain: Travelling alone?

I jump and grip the hilt of Gambol Shroud. I halted my action when I see the captain of the boat.

Captain: *holding up his hands in a reassuring manner* Now, now, no threat here. Just here to chat.

I hesitates before relaxing her posture with a roll of her eyes.

Blake: And why is that?

The Captain lowers his arms and then twists to lean idly onto the rail.

Captain: Well, not many people travel by boat on their own. It can be quite a lonely voyage. But I found those that do tend to have the more... interesting stories.

I turn away from the Captain.

Blake: Maybe it's just... better for some people to be alone.

The two kids run behind me laughing and I gasps again, not expecting the noise behind me. I turn and blink at them trying to reset my calm.

Captain: *laughing* Maybe, but with your paranoia, I think a few friendly faces wouldn't hurt.

Blake: Who says I'm paranoid?!

Captain: *laughing again* No one, dear, no one. I'll leave you be.

The Captain turns and walks away, then stops.

Captain: But uh, fair warning: these trips can be awfully boring.

The Captain continues on his way and I stared after him. Once he's gone, I turn and looks at the ground for a few seconds before reaching up and undoing my bow.

Blake: Mmm.

I holds the ribbon out over the railing. As look at the ribbon I started to Remember about Star.


We were I class sitting with the rest of our friends. I was writing was Oobleck was explaining, as he explain I noticed Star has only one ribbon on her left side, she didn't had one on her right.

Blake: Hey what happened to your other ribbon?

Star: Oh, the ribbon. I lost it, but it's okay I'll go buy new later.

Blake: Here use this.

I pull out a pair of extra ribbon I have in my pockets, an give it to her.

Star: Wait. You spare ribbons in your pockets? Why?

Blake: You want it or not?

Star: Okay, jeez.

She pick up the ribbon and went tied it on her right side of her hair.

Star: Perfect as new.

Blake: Glad that I help.

Star: *smile* Thanks Blake.

Blake: *chuckle* No problem.

Oobleck: Mrs. Evans and Belladona, no talking in my class!

Star: Were not talking, I'm just asking her a question.

Oobleck: Will you mind sharing your question to the class?

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