Chapter 3

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Jackson's POV

I was flying the ship in the portal, it was getting bumpy while trying cross other universe.

Cortana: We're about arrive.

Jackson: All right hold Velv-

I noticed Velvet behind back she was wearing the seat belt, very tight and she gives me thumb up. I went continuing I was doing.

Jackson: Alright!

The ship begin to shake, I trying to holding tight, trying not lose control. Then I see a portal I engaged the thruster, flying in speed I enter the portal. As eye open my looked out the glass, seeing space then I looked around and noticed a planet. My eyes widened in joy, I was seeing Mercury.

Jackson: We're back. We did it.

Velvet: Can I take the seat belt off now?

Jackson: Yeah.

Velvet took off her seat belt, sat up but fell down.

Jackson: Velvet are you alright?

Velvet: Yeah, just a bit dizzy.

Jackson: Well come at the planet.

Velvet walks up to the deck and looked out the glass, and I looked t her as her eyes widened in sparkle of excitement seeing Mercury.

Velvet: Does it have a name?

Jackson: It's called Mercury.

Velvet: Isn't that name of-

Jackson: I know, I know.

Cortana: Wait the Ouros is their, we can contact the Sunbreakers for help.

Jackson: You're right.

I went to the control contacting the Forge.

Jackson: Calling to the Forge, this Jackson Oz, Guardian class Warlock. I'm calling to the Fourth Empyreal Magistrate of the Sunbreaker, do you copy?

Nobody didn't responded, I looked back at Cortana with worry looks on our faces.

Velvet: What's wrong?

Jackson: Nothing, don't worry. We're heading to Earth, hold on.

Time Skip

We arrive to Earth orbit.

Velvet: It's beautiful.

Jackson: Welcome to Earth.

I we went flew down to the atmosphere. As I was flying over the mountains and fields outside the City. I changed direction to show the dark storm clouds, clouds mixed with smoke rising into the sky. I felt something was wrong.

Jackson: Repeat, Tower Approach, this is Vangaurd ship thirteen-nine-three. Anyone home...?

Cortana: No response on any channels, even the emergency frequencies.

Jackson: *Sigh* What is going on back there?

Cortana: Remember when I told you that you fly too fast?

Jackson: Yeah.

Cortana: Forget I said that. Fly fast.

I knowingly then throttles the ship, racing across the sky as the clouds part to reveal a pan shot showing a thick plume of smoke rising from the Tower in the foreground, with the City aflame behind it. Cabal ships fill the sky, and over the Traveler, the Cage is being set. My eyes widened open in shocked, fear that we were to late.

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