Chapter 5

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Soul's POV

I was back on earth, back in the place that wouldn't go back. Then I looked all of my friends on the floor, dead.

Soul: No.

???: Well be together for ever.

Soul: Ugh!

I slowly turn my head and see Maya, tears stat stream down my cheeks.

Soul: Maya?

Maya: Why you let me die.

Soul: What?

Maya: You let me die.

Soul: Maya I didn't mean let you die.

Maya: You're a killer.

Soul: Maya-

Maya: Killer, killer, killer, killer, killer!

Soul: *crying* no.

Maya: Killer,killer, killer, killer!

I dropped on my knees covering my ears. Trying to not listen, but I kept hearing repeating and repeating, the suffering and pain.

Maya: You couldn't even save her.

Soul: Huh?

I raise my head seeing Star, dead on the floor. As she slowly looks at me.

Star: W-Why you didn't save me.

As she says that, she caught on fire.

Soul: *crying* Star!

Maya: How can think you can possibly save her, if you couldn't even save me?


I turn around and see Maya, my eyes widened, shaking.

Soul: *crying* Maya!!!!

I jumped up, and saw that I was still on my bed. Sweat dripped from face, and all over my body. I got up from my bed and walked over the bathroom. I headed to the sink, turned it on, and splashed hot and cold water on my face. The water drips from my nose and chin as I was breathing heavily. I looked myself in the mirror I looked normal, but in reflection of the mirror I see myself cover in blood. I sighed and closed my eyes and open it and looked back at the mirror and the blood is gone. I went walk down stairs, it was still night outside, as I walked down the stairs, but I heard a few familiar voices. I continued to walk down, and entered the kitchen to doctor Oobleck, Port, and Taiyang sitting at the table. A few seconds pasted, and they all seemed to notice me.

Oobleck: There's my second favorite student! How you feeling my boy?!

Soul: Good, until you said I was your second favorite student.

Peter: How are you doing Soul?

Soul: Good.

Sparky: I'm alright too.

Soul: What are you guys doing here?

Oobleck: Well, we decided to take a bit of a...break. It might not look like it, but we teachers are human too.

I raised my eye brow with a bit of annoyance.

Oobleck: Wait was that offensive?

Soul: Yes, but I don't care anymore.

I went pulled up a chair, and sat at the table as Tai leaned against the counter.

Peter: On a slightly more serious note. How have you and your team been, since... the attack on Beacon. And... I am sorry about Star.

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