Chapter 2

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Weiss's POV

When Klein said his name I stand up from me seat quickly. Klein move aside, as someone walks in, my eyes widened in shocked. It was Zack, alive and standing in front of my eyes.

Klein: I'll will you two be.

Klein left and closes the door, as I was still in shocked seeing Zack.

Zack: Hey Wiess.

Weiss: *tear in her eyes* Zack?

Zack: I'm sorry for not calling you and-

I went cut him off when I jump and hugged him and crying in his chest.

Weiss: *crying* You dolt. I thought I lost.

He then puts his arm around me, hugging as I was crying.

Zack: It's okay Wiess, I'm here now.

I went pressed my lips against his, for a moment he kissed back. As we pull away we looked at each other with smile.

Weiss: *crying* Don't ever do that again. I thought I lost you.

Zack: I know. I'm sorry.

Weiss: I'm just glad that you're alive.

Zack: *chuckle* I'm glad to see you too.

Weiss: What really happened that night?

Zack: After Beacon fall-

Zack was cut off when we heard a voice.

Omega: *weak voice* ZZZ....Zack.

Zack: Omega?

I looked back at Omega in my nightstand, I put him there ever sense the fall. He was activating, Zack run toward him, pick him off the nightstand, as he pick him up Zack hand start to glow. I cover myself from the bright light, as it was over I looked back and see a hovering Omega in the air.

Omega: I'm back baby!

Weiss: *happy* Omega!

Omega: I'm back.

Zack: Glad to see you too buddy.

Omega: I thought I lost my Light.

Zack: Actually you did.

Omega/Weiss: Huh?

Zack: We all did, we lost our powers.

Omega: Woah-Woah-Woah! how?

Zack: That orange energy wave that hit us, block our Light.

Weiss: What?

Omega: You're saying the Cabal created a device that took our Light away?

Zack: Yeah.

Omega: But you lost the Light, how you were able to bring me back into shape?

Zack: Well, we manage to get our power back.

Omega: But how? The Traveler is in our world.

Zack: Actually Kai. He gave our powers back.

Weiss: Wait, is he really capable of doing that?

Omega: It's impossible, every living thing has Light but not the Traveler's Light. That's Impossible for a Guardian can't create the Traveler's Light.

Zack: Well explain how Jackson, Soul, and me got our powers back.

Then I noticed Zack didn't mention Star.

Weiss: What about Star?

When I ask him that he lower head looking down the floor sad. Then I realized the truth, I went hugged him.

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