Chapter 9

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Kai's POV

After the fight with Tyrian and Star we went head. We made a campfire me, Ruby, Qrow, Jaune, Ren and Nora sit on four logs positioned in a square. Qrow has just finished telling the story of the Maidens. There is silence and Qrow takes a swig from his flask. He has a bandage wrapped around his abdomen over his clothing.

Qrow: Really? No questions?

Jaune: Of course we have questions. This is just... a lot to take in.

Ruby: And you knew, about this?

She ask me.

Kai: Yeah. My brothers didn't knew.

Qrow: *sighing* Sure, of course.

Ruby: So these... Maidens... They're powerful fighters that don't need Dust to use magic.

Qrow: Yeah.

Nora: And there are four of them?

Qrow: Yup. Always.

Ren: Which means that, whenever one of them dies, the power transfers to someone - a female - that they cared about?

Qrow: Whoever was in their thoughts last. Important distinction. Best option is someone we can trust. Regardless, their souls become combined, in a way.

Jaune: And that's what you were trying to do to Pyrrha... the night the tower fell. You were trying to turn her into one of them.

Qrow: The previous Fall Maiden, Amber, had been attacked. She was young, inexperienced. And her assailant, who we now know is Cinder, somehow managed to steal some of her power, but not all of it. We were afraid that if we didn't do something, the rest would go to her as well.

Jaune: *looking angry* So you forced it on Pyrrha.

Qrow: We didn't force anything. We explained the situation and gave her the choice, and she chose. You were there, you heard her.

Then Jaune looks at me.

Jaune: You could have convinced her to not do it.

Kai: You think I didn't try. But she wouldn't listen, she made her choices.

Jaune hangs his head for a brief moment before getting up and walking several feet away from group. As I watch him go.

Ruby: That guy, Tyrian - why was he after me?

Qrow: *sighing* Well, you definitely painted a target on your back with what you did at Beacon. I told you having silver eyes is a rare trait. And the fact that you were able to use them seems to have upset some very powerful people. Not many people know about the silver eyes. Those that do aren't very happy that one has surfaced. That's why I've been keeping an eye on you in order to make sure you were safe. All of you.

Ruby: What about Kai, he has silver eyes?

Kai: I was wondering about that too.

Qrow: Well Oz told when he met both of you. He surprised seeing two people with silver eyes.

Kai: But I born on my world.

Qrow: Unless in your world, there are people with silver eyes, but doesn't have power. Just ordinary normal color.

Then Ghost appears in front of the campfire.

Ghost: Yeahhhhh. No, I check all my data of everybody in the City. No person has silver eyes, no guardian or person.

When he said that it left Qrow a bit shocked. And that let me thinking about the silver eyes.

Kai: Do you think I have powers like Ruby's?

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