Elowen and Lars: July 8th 2018

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Today was a lazy day. It ws raining, quite hard may I add and neither of them decided to move from eachother's hold on the couch. Lars lay on the soft grey bed reviewing for a pilot's test and Elowen was fats asleep on his stomach, her head rising and falling with staedy breaths. Her arm was wrapped around his waist and so he bent down slightly and kissed the top of her strawberry blond head.

Suddenly, Elowen shot up out of her position and sat upright on the matress. Lars didn't say a word. Not because he didn't care but because he knew she did this every so often. Wake up abruptly from her slumber. She never spoke to anyone when she woke up from a nap. It was pointless to try, she wouldn't respond anyways, her mouth was dry, her body felt sluggish and if anyone pissed her off, she'd probably end up crying or contemplate killing you. So you'd better she cried. 98% of the time she woke up from her naps, Lars was there and he knew her well enough to know not to ask irrelevant questions such as: How was your sleep? or How are you this late afternoon? Because the most you'd ever get out of her would be a small grumble.

I know these kids fairly well, mostly because I've been watching them my whole life. Not just them but everyone. Before you start wondering, no I'm not God. I do have a name but that's a story I'll save for later. All you need to know for now is that I am in fact, the Moon.

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