High School

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Jenna's Pov
I got to class and met up with Kane. He was one of my closest friends. He wasn't apart of my crew, he didn't really know any of them. Just me. Anyways we met up outside of the class and we still had about a minute and a half before we had to go in. "Hey Jenna!" he said. "Hey dork!" I replied. He laughed a little bit and then we got back to our conversation. "So how are things with your 'fam'?" he said, putting emphasis on the word fam. I chuckled before saying "they're fine. Annoying as usual but fine". He rolled his eyes. "Im fine too ya know" he stated with the same annoying smirk he had all year. I replied by saying "whatever". He could be so annoying sometimes with his smartass remarks. He was fun to be around though and he made me laugh. We realized we had thirty seconds left to get to class and went inside. My main crew was almost fully there missing Carlos, Freddy, and Cole, who all had class next door. While, everyone settled in I was talking to Kayla and Reyah was talking to Riles. Kayla told me that her parents decided not to move her schools. I was so excited seeing that my mom had done the same. Class went by boring as ever. You know its all the same thing over and over again. Formulas, numbers, variables, geometry. Like we didn't already know all about linear inequalities and mx+b and all that. After class we met up with everyone for a quick second. "Hey guys wait up" said Kayla. "Me and Jenn have something to announce." I was not planning for this at all. I was just going to tell them one by one not all at once. But the damage is done. "Yea uhh... Right" I said. "We are going to highschool with you guys now!!" said Kayla. I kept it going by saying " our parents changed their minds and decided we would be better off staying where we are so we are going to be with you guys. Rileys face lit up with childlike excitement. "Yesssss bitches!!! Now I can have all the mental help that I need because no offense Reyah but you aren't enough!" she exclaimed. We all laughed. Coles face lit up too though I wasn't sure why. I just assumed it was because all of us are going to be together for a lot longer than we thought.

____________________________________ Authors Note:
Hey guys welcome back!!! Thanks for reading 📖 💗💕. Like Always Please comment down tips and what you think so far. Also comment your ships since this story will be determined by you. Byeee!!! ❤️

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