You shoot me down

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Riley's pov
I stared at the boy who came in. His name is Jay. I then hear behind me "Hypocrite" then a chuckle I turned around and hit Cole he whined "ow" I then weirdly giggled and laughed. Jay say down next to me. All during class he was annoying me and being mean calling me a bitch a whore ugly fat stupid. He would put doubts into my head about who I was. I pretended like it didn't bother me but it really did. He does this everyday and it's starting to make me depressed. For most people it'd be no big deal but I was always the girl that her friends protected from things like mean people cuz they knew how sensitive I can be. Soon later class ended but I didn't realize cuz I was dozing off. Cole stood at the door waiting for me then spoke "are you coming Riles? why are you just staring at your arm mindlessly?" I snapped out of it and got up. "Yeah sorry I didn't realize the bell rung for lunch I was falling asleep." I got up and approached him and we walked out together. Then he said " So that Jay kid." "what about him?" I questioned. "do you like him or something" "I mean he's kinda a huge jerk tbh" "yeah I heard him being hella mean does it bother you?" He asked. I mean its whatever" I said. "not whatever If you wanna talk to me just know I'll always be here" He said. "thank you Cole I know" he then lightly held then squeezed my hand with a smile on his face then I heard Jenna and Kayla yelling "Guys sit here" Cole dragged me over to the table and I set my bag down then Kayla said "Riley Jenna Reyah let's go get our lunch" "okayyyy" I then walked off with them and got lunch I got pizza then Kayla asked me "so what was that what happened are you okay" "what do you mean" I asked "well Cole looked like he was tryna comfort you or something squeezing your hand and smiling you know" I lightly smiled "oh nothing I was just tired and less quiet and he got worried I guess" "did you not sleep last night? Jenna asked. "I did sleep it's just not enough sleep I guess and then school is so draining and the people are so draining and I'm just tired...of everything" "awwww chula do you wanna talk about it" "not really" I said I sat back down at the table to find Cole just watching me and looking in my eyes then at my arm he seems confused and worried I just ignored it and went back to normal teasing him. "So cole, when are you finally gonna propose to Jenna?" I asked. "Riley, do you ever shut up? You've been teasing me about her since forever." He said pretending to be annoyed. Deep down I knew he found me annoying him fun. No matter what he says.

I wrote another chapter lol
Thanks for reading!!!

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