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Cole's POV
Everything is going crazy. I mean if you had told me a month ago that I would have kissed Riley I would have called you crazy. But here we are. I don't know what it is about her but I like it. Like she's so fun and light and she makes it easy to love her. She teaches me a lot of things. She's beautiful, cool, hilarious, goofy, clumsy, and she always speaks her mind. But then she also would do anything for her friends. She's hopeful and has a big heart. She tries to act tough but in reality she's just a puppy. She's smart too except in history she hates it. She never really ever gets in trouble even though she does a million bad things she gets away with it. She's just so cool. Yes she can be too much for some people but not me. To me she's great. I feel bad though. Riley told me what her argument with Jenna was about. It was basically about me. I don't know what to do because I know she's been really sad about this lately and I wanna fix this but I don't know how. It's too much for her to handle. Stuff has been awkward between all 3 of us. Like right now for example we're all at lunch me sitting between Jenna and Riley like it's always been. But now it's weird cuz I have my arm around Riles and I'm not talking to Jenna and neither is Riley. Jenna gets up and says "Riley can you come with me." She looked at me all nervous then got up and followed Jenna outside the cafeteria. I have a good feeling about this. Or maybe not...

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