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I woke up so excited and nervous... I had to go to school and see Jenna. The problem was that I don't know if she was angry at me for kissing her or what happened. Point is... I'll find out today.
I got to school and went to the area I'm always at. Then I waited for Jenna to get there. I was nervous but I had to keep my cool. I got to school and I saw her. She looked so beautiful even though she was all awkward there not talking to Riley or Cole. Why? I don't know. The bell rang to go to homeroom. Thankfully my homeroom is next to Jennas. I ran up to Jenna. She was with Kayla, Reyah, Riley, and Cole but Kayla and Reyah were between her and Riley. I got in front of her and blocked her way and said "we need to talk." She gulped. "There's nothing to talk about" she insisted. "I think I Can think of one thing..." I told her. "You have three minutes Im not trying to be late" she said. She followed me outside the building and her friends gave me a confused face. I assumed that meant she hadn't told them. I turned to Jenna who was staring into the distance. "Look Im sorry if I made you uncomfortable yesterday. It's just... I like you, a lot and I kind of got caught in the moment and just went for it. I didn't mean to-". She cut me off. "Look Kayne Im not mad at you. I was just caught off guard and I wasn't expecting it. That's all" "wait so ur not mad". She grabbed my hand and I tensed up. "No Im not mad" she giggled. " Look i gotta go before Im late but we can talk later alright?" "Sounds good to me". I let go of her hand and started to walk inside. I opened the door and she walked out behind me. I said "see you later then?" And what happened next is not what I was expecting. I thought she would just be like 'ok see ya' and go to class. Instead she said "yessirrrrr" and kissed my cheek before running into her class...

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