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Kaylas POV (that's new)
I woke up and went to school. Everything's so weird lately. Cole is always comforting Riles. Riles is distant. She doesn't even dance on the lunch tables anymore Or go to chorus or dance or theater meetings anymore. Jenna filled me in on why and I was shocked. How did I not know this was happening. Even weirder, Jenna told me about her and Rileys fight. They never fight. It's weird. Especially since it's about Cole. I got to school and the others were together. Even Riley and Cole were there. But it was really awkward between Jenna and Riles. It was weird seeing Riley and Cole being all sweet and shit and her not teasing him about Jenna it was so weird. She'd usually say something about him and Jenna by now But whatever. Jenna on the other hand looked miserable cuz Carlos kept making jokes about how we all thought Cenna was gonna happen but now it kinda looks like Ciley is happening. I could tell she missed Riley. Riley was also awkward but her and Cole were still really cute they still banter from time to time too, but now it ends it them hugging instead of her punching him. It's a little funny. Reyah was seriously weirded out by this. Freddie acted normal cuz he always thought Riley likes him. Carlos just smirked the whole time finding it amusing how Riley and Jenna both want Cole. I mean, it is kinda weird that Riley like likes Cole like I understand if she had a crush but she looks like she really really likes him. This is weird. Riley and Jenna need to make up fast cuz this is just too awkward. Especially since the guy is Cole and he's in our friend group. I mean Cole and Riley weren't actually official and were just friends Pero still. I mean like because of the kiss everyone's on edge.

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