Chapter 2: I'm 9!

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I woke up the following morning with a smile on my face. I'm 9! As I got out of bed, leaving my teddy on the bed, I rushed over to the stack of Cameryn's letters that she left for me. I took the next envelope which was on top. Marked "Alissa's 9th Birthday." 

I grabbed the envelope and rushed back to my bed, where I was about to rip open the envelope when I heard a loud beep, signalling a new message on the intercom.

"Good morning! All kids please get dressed and look your best, today's adoption Tuesday! Please meet us downstairs in the lobby." Ms. Molly announced and hung up.

I probably won't be able to open my letter until after adoption time. Not like I'll get adopted anyways. Why can't I just stay in bed?

Maybe today is my lucky day. I rushed to my closet and pulled out a cute white dress that had a puffy skirt with glitter on it and a hot pink bow that tied around the waist of the dress, just above the skirt. I stretched it over my head and looked in the mirror, adjusting it. I grabbed my black converse from my closet and tied them tightly. I brushed my hair, didn't bother adding a bow or anything today. I opened my door and walked downstairs to see lines of little girls, one line consisted of two year olds to 9 year olds, and ten year olds to seventeen year olds. One more year til I can stand with the big girls.

I saw Ms. Molly signalling girls where to stand in the gigantic lobby. Of course I was last to go down the stairs, I walked all the way to the windows on the right side of the room, standing next to the meanest girl there was; Sierra. Sierra was always the know-it-all, she always picked on me because I didn't always follow the rules, but it wasn't on purpose. I'm like the runt, that gets last to be on teams during our day of games, where we all play against other kids and the winners get ice cream. I was always the last one to know the rules. I saw a bunch of people walk in the two doors and they scattered every where. They walked along the stairs and all over the floor, so many people I recognized walked in the door, like celebrities. I swear I saw Ashton Irwin walk in, but I think I was just dreaming. 

I lost hope after ten minutes and sat down on one of the chairs near the window. I looked up seeing the adults talking and smiling with kids. Some bending over and signing papers while holding girls in their arms, whether they were two or thirteen. I looked down at my swinging feet, trying to hold back my tears that I didn't know wanted to come out. 

All of a sudden I hear an Australian accent, almost directed towards me but from far away. I heard the sound of Ms. Molly's voice and I slowly looked up to indeed see Ashton and Michael standing beside her. 

"What about her?" Michael asked, pointing at me. I felt like I was actually gonna smile. The three started to walk towards me when all of a sudden Sierra jumped right ahead of me, putting her arms behind her back, stepping on her tippy toes. Of course she had to ruin the one chance I had to get adopted. I started to cry, making sure to do so silently. 

"Sierra is one of our best kids." I heard Ms. Molly say. I may not be the best kid in the place but I was sweet, at least I thought so. Sure I break rules sometimes but it's always an accident. I always have good intentions, just sometimes things don't work out as planned.

"No, her." Ashton said, pushing Sierra to the side, while she grunted and stomped her foot on the ground. He put his arm around my tiny shoulders. 

"Oh, okay. Mr. Irwin, come and sign the papers for Alissa." Ms. Molly said, directing him away from me and to a nearby desk. Him along with Michael bending over and signing papers.

"Of course Alissa, you had to ruin this for me!" Sierra spoke, kind of loud. 

She knows I can't stand people who talk loud, because I remember hearing it so much when I was a baby, even if it wasn't directed towards me, I still took it as my fault. Sierra is a girl who knew my weaknesses, she used to live with me in the orphanage, until she made up lies that I used to spit on her head since we have bunk beds, or at least used to. Ms. Molly immediately separated us, me keeping the room and her being moved to a bigger room that she had all to herself. She even had her own bathroom in there where everyone else had to share. 

"I ruined this for you? You always go out of your way to make me feel bad about myself."

"Not my fault that your daddy didn't love you." She crossed the line, I started to feel tears build.

"Don't talk about my dad, or mom."

"I will, my parents at least died in a car crash, they didn't make my life miserable by making it clear that they didn't want me!"

I sat there crying. I didn't care about the teasing I would get, I just needed the tears out of my system.

"Oh look, Alissa's being a crybaby because she knows I'm right." I couldn't take it anymore.

Without thinking I hit her and knocked her straight to the ground. 

"Ms. Molly! Alissa just slapped me in the face!"

She completely lied.

"Alissa really? You're getting adopted and you have to do this? You're making me look bad."

I rolled my eyes and sat back in the chair. There goes my chances of getting adopted.

I was surprised when Michael backed away from the desk and came close to me. He bent down to my level and held my little hands in his. He looked me in the eye and wiped my tears away. 

"She was being mean to you wasn't she?" I nodded. 

"Well it's okay now, because you're coming home with us!"

"Really? This is the best birthday ever!" I hugged him and he hugged me back. 

"Alright kiddo go pack your stuff!" I nodded and ran up the stairs.

I grabbed my suitcase from my closet and put all my clothes in it. I carefully removed my posters from the walls and rolled them up so I can take them with me in my backpack. I grabbed teddy and all my other small belongings and threw it all in my backpack, before giving teddy a kiss before zippering up the pocket. I opened the smaller pocket and shoved all of Cameryn's letters inside, making sure not to miss anything. I checked my whole room and found nothing of mine and started to walk downstairs. I met Ashton's gaze and he insisted on taking my suitcase and holding my hand with his free hand. 

Michael walked a bit ahead, unlocking their car and opening the doors, ready for me to put my stuff in. They had a booster seat set up in the back, I guess I still need to sit in one, but not for much longer. Ashton reached over and helped me buckle up. When he got over where my scar was I yelped in pain. Not necessarily because touch to that scar hurts, but knowing how I got it still pains me. 

"You okay baby girl?" He asked carefully and I nodded. Blushing at his nickname.

He smiled and closed my door, walking to the passenger side and got in. 

I watched the window the whole way home, looking at how bright Los Angeles is when you aren't stuck inside all the time. Michael said when we get home he's gonna have Calum and Luke talk with me so they can all get a sense of who I am. 

This is the best birthday I have ever had, and I haven't even opened Cameryn's letter yet. 

Cameryn has answered all my prayers, of both getting adopted and not being alone this time.

Life right now almost seems too good to be true. 

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