Chapter 15: Oh Sh!t

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*Time Skip to Tour*

Alissa's POV

Today was the first day of tour and we were in Melbourne, Australia. I was excited that my brother and my best friends decided to take me on the tour with them. I would miss them very much if I was stuck at Calum's parents home. Not to mention, I feel like his parents genuinely hate me, and every time I ask Calum about why they do, he shrugged it off just simply saying they were having a bad day. I decided to let it go, because I've dealt with enough negative people and surroundings a lot of my life, and now I am on the road having a blast with the people that mean everything to me. 

"Alissa we're here!" Ashton called from the front of the bus. I was in the back of the bus with Luke. 

When the boys first adopted me, I felt like Luke and I were extremely close, but then when we realized I was related to Calum, he started to become distant and I don't know why. For the entire time we were on the road today, I was cuddled to Luke's chest as we watched Finding Nemo. Luke wanted to watch Mean Girls, but Calum and Mali both told him no.

I got up from Luke's lap and stretched before going to the front of the bus to take Ashton's hand as we go into the venue the boys will be playing in a few hours.

The venue wasn't super big but wasn't small either. The venue had a big stage, and several rows of seats in the front part of the room. It also had a balcony in the back of the room with several seats there too. In the middle section of the room, it looked like a restaurant kind of. There were tables scattered the area with a bar in the back along the wall. 

It looked pretty cool. The boys were setting the stage which signaled that I had to stay with Mali. Luckily, she agreed to let me and her sit in the front row of seats to watch the boys practice. They were pretty good, though I already knew that. I smiled watching all of them play, but I kept watching Calum mostly. He looked so happy up there, maybe someday I'll be able to perform on my own stage like they are.

When their practice session ended, security came to get Mali and I so we can stay backstage so we don't get trampled by fans attending the boys' meet and greet session.

We were inside one of the boys dressing rooms while the boys were cooling off outside in the hallway before going on stage again. 

"What was up with your mom the other day Cal?" Luke asked. I couldn't help but lean against the door to listen in.

"I don't know man. She just wasn't herself." Even he was shrugging it off to the boys.

"Do you think she's still mad about?-" Ashton was cut off. 

What could she have been mad about for a long time?

"No I think she's way over that. Besides who even told her?" 

"I can't remember." Mikey said, course he can't remember.

"Us adopting Alissa was supposed to be a surprise, to show them that Luke and I could be responsible." Calum said.

I felt a piece of my heart break.

"You know you could've showed her how you're responsible in another way than adopting a kid that we never even spoke about getting in the first place."

"Jeez Mikey calm down. You seemed to really like the idea when I called you saying I had a kid."

Did they really not plan on getting me? Did they just use me? I couldn't help but let tears stream and let a few sobs out.

"Oh Shit. Great job boys, she heard you." I ran back onto the couch next to Mali. 

She seemed to have heard what they said too as she cradled me in her arms. The door opened and I gently peaked to see Luke, Ashton, and Calum stand in the doorframe with sad looks on their faces.

I nuzzled my head back into Mali's shoulder, avoiding them. It just hurts to know people who you thought loved you and cared about your well being just lied to you. Especially my own brother, who I've been wanting since I was a baby. I feel like I just lost him again. Least I gained a real sister who does care about me.

"Alissa, we're so sorry."

"Get away from me!" I slapped Luke's hand as I turned my back to them. 

"You know Mikey didn't mean it."

"You could've just told me that that's how you guys felt. Just wanting to adopt someone to show how mature you are. You guys made me believe I actually had a family for the first time in my life. No one has ever made me this happy. I feel like you guys were just pretending." I cried more, this time I didn't care about anything else.

Michael had the guts to come into the room. This time I got out of Mali's grasp as I stood on the floor as the boys sat around me in a circle.

"What did I ever do to make you hate me that much that you said those mean things about me?"

"Ever since you got in the picture you've taken the boys attentions away from the band. They cater to your calls, cries, screams, everything when we're supposed to be working together. Before you came along, we had no problems working together but now we do."

I felt angry, the urge to go slap Michael. I would've done a really good job, but Luke and Ashton held me back. I sighed in defeat as I sat on the ground.

I looked around the three boys who looked at me with care in their eyes.

"You boys, still mean a lot to me. It's just that I wish I knew why you adopted me and I didn't have to hear you say that behind my back. I love you, and even though Calum and I are real siblings, I feel like you are my brothers too."

I stood up and kissed Calum, Luke and Ashton's foreheads. I wanted Michael to feel bad that he let his ego be controlling of him. A security guard came in, signalling the boys to get to the meet and greet and they all left out the door. I stood in the hallway where I can see the stage from the side. 

The boys talked to the crowd, answered some questions from fans, and by surprise, Calum announced me to the world for the first time. 

"Now guys, I know we haven't been super truthful to you fans." They all gasped.

"Just a few months ago, we adopted a beautiful and smart little girl. She's lived such a horrid life, and by luck we are the ones who get to call her family. A month ago, we found out she is my little sister that I didn't know I had. She is here tonight and I want her to come onto the stage to meet you guys. But, before she does. I want you all to be accepting and loving to her as you are to us boys, Mali, our other siblings, and of course, Ketchup." Calum laughed.

"This is Alissa Hood everybody!" Calum screamed as I ran out onto the stage.

The crowd 'awwd' as I ran to the stage and into Calum's arms. He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you Alissa."

"I love you too, Calum."

I smiled. Everything felt right in the world, I'm on stage with my brothers, in my real brothers arms, as my sister is smiling at me from the side of the stage. 

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