Chapter 6: Cuddles and Nightmares

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Luke's POV

Out of all the boys I feel like I am the closest to Alissa and I'm not sure why. I don't have hardly any experience with kids, but Alissa keeps attaching herself to me. Not that I minded though.

We finished at the mall and I saw Alissa was starting to fall sleepy as she started to stumble while holding mine and Calum's hands. I couldn't help but laugh as Ashton filmed it on his phone for keek. I looked at Calum and I was gonna reach for Alissa to carry her but she reached her arms for Calum to. I tried not to take it personal because she has been clingy to me, maybe she's trying to build a strong connection to us all. It was cute to watch Alissa latch herself onto Cal, he held her almost like she was his actual daughter, not to mention they kind of look alike. I never thought of it before, but she looks almost like the perfect blend of Calum and Ashton. 

She has Calum's tan skin, and Ashton's green eyes. She has Calum's natural hair color, with beautiful natural waves, way less curly than Ashtons. She was very petite for her age, but that might just be because she's a girl. 

There is no way that Calum could be Alissa's dad. There's just no way. Calum is 17, meaning that he had to be 8 when he had her, but maybe he could be a brother or cousin? I don't know what happened to Alissa and how she got in the orphanage, but I think she opened up to Ashton. I walked on the other side of him and pulled him to the side while the other two boys secured her in her car seat.

"Do you know what happened to Alissa?" He nodded.

"Can you tell me later then?" He nodded. 

Ashton's acting weird, usually he's bubbly and really loud, but right now he's just nodding along and not saying much. He got in the driver's seat while I sat shotgun since Michael and Calum sat on each side of Alissa.

I looked back and saw Alissa had her arm across Calum's chest and had her head on his shoulder while Michael held Alissa's free hand. I couldn't help but chuckle at how all three of them are completely asleep. I snapped a few photos and tweeted them to the fans.

@Luke5sos : "Look at these guys completely asleep!"

I smiled reading the tweets being flooded in by fans.

"Oh my god they're so cute"

"who's the girl?"

"Is that Calum's sister?"

I completely forgot we didn't announce that we adopted Alissa. I guess now there'll be speculation until we come out with the truth, maybe tomorrow since we all are too tired to do it today.

Alissa's POV

I fluttered my eyes open to see that we're all in the car while Ashton is driving. He looks in the mirror and smiles at me, seeing I'm awake. I look to my right and see Michael sleeping with his tongue out and I couldn't help but silently giggle. 

I was careful not to move as Calum was resting his head on the top of mine. My arm was slung around his shoulders and I couldn't really feel it anymore. I saw we were turning in the driveway of our home and I closed my eyes again because they got too heavy. Once we came to a stop, I heard doors open and Calum's head wasn't on mine anymore. I felt myself getting unbuckled and arms latch themselves around me but I was too tired to open my eyes. 

I felt the arms let me go on my bed and they tucked me in, as the person was leaving my room I peeked through my eyelids. Luke.

I smiled to myself while rolling over and grabbing teddy, cuddling him in my arms.

~~I was in a home that looked really familiar. Wasn't my new home, wasn't the orphanage, it was my childhood home. All the memories that I tried so hard to forget came flooding back. I saw my dad, his tanned skin and tattoos all up his neck. He had piercings on his eyebrow and lip as well on his ears. He always looked scary to me. 

He was sitting by the fire in the living room while Cameryn was on her phone with her back towards my dad, I was too little to understand why. I looked straight ahead and see my dad rushing towards me. He scooped me up, maybe this time it'll be different than before, but I thought wrong. 

He grabbed his pocket knife, trying to kill me and get me in the heart, he missed thanks to Cameryn who jumped on his back and took the knife from his hand. I laid there bleeding heavily, not really knowing what to do. I saw a boy, a young boy run out of the house. 

I had a brother?~~

My eyes shot up, reliving the most horrifying incident of my life. Tears rolled down my face and into my lap, I hugged teddy for dear life. I got out of bed and ran into the closest door I could find, which was Luke's.

I ran into Luke's room and carefully climbed onto his bed, gently shaking him. He shot up, seeing me in my scared state he cradled me. 

"What's wrong princess?" He asked, holding me close to his heart.

"I had a bad dream, about my real dad." I looked down at Teddy, he's the only one who's been there through it all.

"He's not going to be able to get to you anymore. The good guys have him and he will never be able to get to you again." I nodded.

He laid down, which also meant he laid me down in his arms, I still latched on to Teddy as if my life depended on it. My tears have dried, both on my face and on Teddy. 

Things are gonna be okay. 

Before officially going to sleep again, I calmed myself down from the dream. Realizing I am in one of my dad's arms. Luke was right, my old dad will never be able to find me. 

Who was that boy in my dream though?

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