Chapter 11: Oh My God

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"You two are indeed brother and sister."

I looked at Calum who looked just as shocked as I did, but he looked more surprised. I couldn't tell yet a happy or sad surprised. I was excited that I had one family member who didn't die or was out to make my life miserable, and more excited to have a brother, I just wished I knew of him more. I was mad at Cameryn for hiding this from me. She should've included something about having a brother somewhere in the notes she's written me. 

The doctor walked away and Luke and Michael urged us all to get back into the elevator to leave the office. Neither Calum and I have said words, to each other or two the other boys. Luke's face just read awkward across it, while Michael looked like he was either hungry or had to pee. Ashton just had a blank face, kind of tired looking.

Once we got down to the car, and Luke buckled me up, Calum sat next to me, holding my hand in his big hand. I looked down at his hand, as he stroked my fingers gently. I wanted to talk to him but I didn't know about what, so I stayed silent.

Before I knew it, we got home and I ran quickly up the stairs, closing the door behind me. I took out my bulletin board that had pictures of Cameryn on them and started crying. How could she not tell me? She always said it was just the two of us, and no one else. How could she not include Calum in anything? I was mad, not mad at Calum, not mad at the doctor, but Cameryn. I always felt nothing but love and praise for her, she was my big sister, of course I idolized and praised her, even though she's long gone, but now I feel this rage built in my stomach.

I felt the urge to cry, scream, kick and rip the photos of her. I let the tears free fall, and I stared the photos down. How could she? I must've screamed or yelled without realizing it, my anger and rage taking over my body that I wasn't myself. Ashton came in.

"Hey baby girl, what's wrong?" He cooed. I was angry.

"Cameryn lied to me! She always said it was just us two and no one else! How could she not include Calum? In all of her notes she sent me she never said anything about a brother or anyone other than us. She even knew I always wanted a brother too. I remember there being a boy in all my flashbacks, but I always assumed he was just a family friend, because he would always be on the outside from us." I explained, crying while choking the words out.

"Maybe she was trying to wait until you were older, maybe she didn't realize that you would be so smart at so young." Ash said, I couldn't help but smile. 

"I want to read all her letters, to see what she says." He shook his head.

"You can't do that baby, those are your special cards." He said.

"Yeah, but Cameryn is not special to me anymore. I don't care about waiting."

I felt my heart shatter at the words coming from my mouth, but I couldn't give her any more positive energy from this point onwards.

I went to my bookshelf, grabbing the pile of 9 remaining envelopes. I grabbed the one addressed to 10 year old me. 

"Dear 10 year old Alissa,

Happy 10th birthday baby girl, I hope your day is as amazing as you are. I have decided to fill you in more about our families history, so you know more as you live on. I don't think you'll ever get to meet your brother, as he was adopted when he was 9 years old, by two amazing people, who have a daughter a few years older than he is. I feel like I should've told you sooner, but I knew you wouldn't understand. Maybe one day you could by luck find him. I hope you don't hate me, it's been hard keeping this secret. Next year I'll tell you more. Here's $5, keep it with the others, for what will come on your 19th birthday.

-Your sister,


I shook my head, if I didn't know that Calum was my brother, I wouldn't have known for another year.

I ripped this letter in half, Ashton still watching me. I grabbed the next card, for my 11th birthday. 

"Dear 11 year old Alissa,

Happy 11th birthday my sweet angel. I hope that your day is well, and I hope and pray that you aren't in a silly orphanage anymore. I hope that people have adopted you, good people. I hope that you haven't done anything stupid like smoke or drink, but you're far too young for that. As you know, last year I told you of our brother, and I have more information for you. His name is Calum Thomas, he is a beautiful boy, from what I recall. He always was so quiet, which is why he has a lisp. I know you remember him, from the night you were almost murdered, but the reason why he wasn't around much was because I sent him to a shed, down the road, I made him a bed inside, with everything he needs, he was far too young at the time that I didn't want him being mentally scarred every day from what he could see, but of course he walked in at the most gruesome scene of his life. Hopefully that's as gross as he has seen ever. Save this $5 for the next 8 years of your life. 


I shook my head, Cameryn made Calum live in a shed!

I looked at Ashton and handed him the letter. As soon as he spotted Calum's name he called him in. Calum sat down on the bed next to Ash, as he read over his shoulder the letter. He had tears in his eyes, remembering this horrid time. He reached for me and grabbed me tight, rocking me back and forth. 

"Why did she never say I was a part of your life until this letter?" Calum cried.

"She mentioned in the last letter that I had a brother, but this time she said more about you."

I opened the next letter, and the next, saying nothing but what we already have known. 

Eventually I got to the last letter, I gulped.

I had a pile of $5 on the ground, and ripped paper shreds and empty envelopes next to my feet. I had unfolded the last letter.

"Dear 19 year old Alissa,

I am surprised you're still reading these dumb letters. Anyways, you made it. This was the age that I killed myself at. Life's demons just attacked me. I felt like I couldn't escape. I had dropped out of school, had no job, had no home, was living on the streets and lived off of what ever change I found on the sidewalks. I didn't have enough money to buy anything, so when I found a scrape of glass, I just did it right then and there. You've been keeping this money I've been giving to you, I presume. If you have then you're smart, because I have opened up a savings account for you, which has money that our parents originally saved for me to go to college, but since I didn't make it to that point, I know you would, because unlike me you're pretty smart. I saw it when you were 2 years old. I know you're even smarter now. So now you're wondering, why did you give me money? These bills were the last of my fortune, they're your fortune now. I tracked down Calum, and found his sister, Mali Koa. I found where she lives, so maybe you could have enough money to go to him, and meet him. I know that he may not remember him, but maybe now you have  a sense of who he is through these letters. This is the last letter of mine to you, so I hope you live a smart life, full of adventure and romance. I know you're probably pissed because of how I cut Calum away from the picture for so long, but it was for your own good, and I didn't want you doing anything stupid while you're so young. Now go get him, and make some memories.

-Cameryn. Goodbye, Alissa."

I cried. As much as I hated her at this second, she did have a point. I looked up at Calum, as he cried from the letter. I threw it on the floor and hugged him tightly, crying into his neck.

"Alissa, I know I wasn't in your life for a lot of it, but I am extremely happy that I'm in your life now, and I will never ever do anything to hurt you or make you hate me." 

"I know Cal, I wish I always knew you existed, because I always wanted a brother."

"I love you Cal." I kissed his nose.

"I love you too, baby girl." He said, holding me tighter.

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