Chapter 2: Fuck Off

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"Good morning to you too Detective Reed."


Gavin jumps back to see Connor... no not Connor. It was Connor but with different attire.

"I am Conan, I am an RK900 model I was hired to help you with your-"

"Shut up! I don't give a damn about what you're doing here. I don't need your damn help, so I suggest you fuck off." Gavin whispered his last sentence as he got up to the android's face.

Things were silent for a while. People kept their eyes on him but didn't say or do anything. The android seemed taken back by his response as his LED turned yellow. Gavin took it as a win of showing that he was in charge to the android. He was about to sit down and get to work when the android spoke up again.

"Excuse me Detective. But I believe that your outburst was unnecessary. I only cleaned your area because it was a mess and I thought it would be nice to clean it. Obviously, you did not take it as a kind gesture so I apologized if I had-"

"Apologies don't make up for invasion of privacy dipshit. So fuck off." Gavin saw that the LED of the android turn red as Gavin interrupted.

"Detective. If you had let me finished you would have heard that-"

"Didn't you hear me the first time? I said fuck off!" Gavin yells while waving his hands. As a bonus, he also grumbled a silent "fukin androids" at the end.

As he turned towards his desk he already started hearing people chatting again and were going back to what they were originally doing. Gavin sits back down too and starts to work.

The argument was closed.

Well... at least that's what Gavin thought.

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