Chapter 10: What. The. Fuck.

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"Detective Reed?"

Gavin bolted up. The only words he was able to speak was "Huh? What the... huh? Who's you? Cccccc..."

"It's me Conan. You seemed to have fallen asleep."

"Yeah no shit. Wait... how did I fall asleep?"

"I reminded you that it was lunch time and you responded with "Fuck, is it?" and proceeded to faint or maybe fall asleep for two and a half minutes."


"You should probably go eat before it's over."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Gavin waves his hand in Conan's face as he gets up to go to Chicken Feed again.

He's been going there for a while now. After the android law was passed he's been finding ways to get rid of his stress. This was mostly done by throwing himself into work which caused him to have less time for himself. He didn't consider it bad. Sure, maybe he was lacking some sleep and eating cheap but quick foods but everyone did it... probably. Gavin didn't consider it bad to do extra work, he actually considered it as a good thing. How can doing more work be bad? Sure, he was being unhealthy at times but hey, everything comes at a cost.

Ok. Too much thoughts. Back to reality.

"That'll be $6.80."

Gavin reached in his pocket to get his wallet when he noticed that it wasn't there. Shit. He probably left it at his desk. Gavin looked at his watch to see that he would only have about three minutes to eat if he went back to get his wallet. For Gavin, that was not enough time to eat. Shit. Shit. Shit!

A hand suddenly shoots out behinds Gavin to put a ten dollar bill on the counter.

"What the-" Gavin fell backwards. He can feel Conan grinning. When he looked up, Conan was offering a hand to him. Gavin hesitated but look the hand anyway. His reason was that the only reason he took it was because not taking it would be pointless.

When Gavin finally got up, he noticed the cashier offering the change to Conan.

"Keep the change." Conan turned around to face Gavin and then gave him a wink.

What. The. Fuck.

Gavin looked away to blush.

The cashier gave Gavin his order. Gavin then proceeded to walk to one of the tables stiffly as Conan followed behinds him.

"You forgot your wallet, Detective Reed." Conan says as he gave Gavin his wallet.

"Wait. If you had my wallet... then why the fuck did you buy me my lunch? I'm not fucking broke you know!"

Conan's face frowned and looked away from Gavin.

"I just thought it'd be a nice gesture."

Conan looked like a kicked puppy even as an android.

"I also came to remind you that your lunch time is up in about eighteen minutes." Conan's voice was cold.

Conan turned around to walk? Drive? How the hell did he come here. Anyways, turned around to go back to the station.

Gavin felt a panic that he should say something.

"Hey Conan!" Gavin yelled.

Conan turned around astonished. This was the first time Gavin had called him by his name.

"Uh... thanks for the lunch and uh... the reminder and... yeah."

Although that sentence was extremely embarrassing for Gavin, Conan smiled.

"No problem Detective."

Conan gave Gavin another wink.

And Gavin's face gave another blush.

What. The. Fuck.

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