Chapter 1- visions and torture

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I wanna see what you guys have to say about this chapter so yeah comment down below if you wanna about how I did with the chapter! Oh and remember it's a story about you, Keith's and pidge, with you finding your brother and shipping pidge and Keith!~

Y/n's pov

I tossed and turned everywhere trying to get some sleep in my cold dark cell. Being prisoner in a gulra ship for four years has just brought pain and suffering. I have given up, my heart and spirit has been shattered. All I can think about all day while sitting numb in the cell is the visions I have been having. Tears form in my eyes while I hear singing a soft, peaceful safe voice singing to me. It almost feels as if it's guiding me out of the darkness taking all my stress and worries away. The pain disappearing and the suffering gone, just from one listen to the voice. It sounded so familiar and yet it's such a blur from my sight. Suddenly, a alarm is heated and I'm abandoned from the singing left alone back into the darkness that I'm used to. I scream as I wake up crying. I put my bare, cold, cut feet on the rock hard floor and stare at the grey blood-stained wall. Happiness never lasted with me it was always dream after another waking up in the same terror filled cell, hearing the screams and cries of another prisoners and drowning in my own tears of pain. Then after a while of wondering in my thoughts, a creakyfiliar door of my cell opens, "hey y/n, sleep wel? Well no matter it's time for your punishment for trying to escape last night" I heated a smirk in his torturous voice, " more! I beg you!!" I scream as I cry in fear. "Well it's your own fault y/n you shouldn't have tried to escape!" He grabbed my limb bloody body and threw me into a torture room with force and grinned while I groaned in pain. "Heh this will be fun now I can try and get more information out of you" he smirked. "Please have mercy..." as he tied me down on a chair with chains. He grabbed my chin and pulled my face to face him so it was millimetres apart with his and whispered "I won't have any mercy on you little hybrid" he grinned villainously as he tortured you with weapons n aid all kinds.
By the end of it you were dripping with blood and formed a pool of blood beneath you, your hip had a huge cut that was over flowing with blood, this made it impossible to walk or crawl. Your face was faced downward your vision blurred. "He-help..." and then you passed out from the blood you lost. "Heh no one is gonna save you now" the gulran commander said as he wiped the blood of his hands and left the room five minutes later leaving your body at the edge of death as he got no information out of your limb body but he did get some joy out of seeing you scream in pain.

Narrators pov

The paladins snuck onto the gulran ship coincidentally the one you were held captive. "Paladins be careful, you must not engage, this mission is to collect data when you get it come back to the ship immediately" said a familiar female British accent. "Got it" the paladins say at the same time. "Okay, hunk, pidge you two are a team, keith and lance and I will go alone" a space dad says. "Why do I have to go with mr emo over here!?" Lance whines like a child, "lance we don't have time for this" Shiro states seriously."yeah and by the way lance I'm not emo" Keith says clearly irritated. "You so are" pidge giggles. "Whatever". "Oh come one sharp shooter doesn't have to go with this mullet head does he? Mullet is totally ruining my charm" "lance!!" Shiro shouts"okay fine let my charm be contaminated with his emoness!" Lance grins. They fly into the gulra ship in their teams.

Keith's pov (dis will be short as in VERY short)
Lance as annoying me as usual until, "do you hear that? I think it's crying!" I say as I follow the cries as lance follows me "wait but how about the mission!" He says with a serous look on his face. "Forget the mission" I say "saving whoever is that is more important" I say.

PHEW! Done the pressure is gone! Okay I know this is mostly about you the reader, but the excitement of the ship will happen dont ya worry. I just need to do your story before I can get to the ship! ~
~Princess L <3

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