Chapter 13- Space date?

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i have been lazy so sorry about that. Now this'll be good....

keith's pov

It was about the time i was supposed to meet pidge in the hologram field of flowers for our 'date'. I love y/n but sometimes she can be a pain in the butt, did she really have to make me and pidge go on a date? That girl...she can be real stubborn at times.... me, shiro, lance and hunk went to the space mall to get myself a outfit. I kinda regretted bringing lance though....he told me to by this punky outfit and then hunk told me to wear a suit. Only shiro really helped me get a decent outfit for the date. We ended up buying dark jeans, a light brown buttoned up shirt, a dark brown leather jacket and a brown beanie. I put the closthes on and i swear i looked stupid but shiro gave me a thumbs up and lance's exact words were ''she's gonna fall heads over heals for you with that beanie on your mullet head'' lance said with that stupid grin. ''looking good, man'' hunk said giving me a reassuring smile as i walked towards the hologram room. i walked along the hallways of the castle and thought. Lance gave me 'tips' on flirting i mean i doubt i'd use any of them as i opened the door with hesitation. Suddenly i was in a field of beautiful violet flowers, it was just a hologram but i swear i could smell the scent of the blossomed flowers. Then i saw pidge sitting there in the middle of it all on a picnic blanket surrounded by the beauty of the flowers which just enlightened her complexion. She looked beautiful i felt blood rushing towards my cheeks , she was wearing a green dress with pink blossoms on it and she had a green headband with pink blossoms. I walked towards her clearly nervous as she noticed me. ''hi'' she said with a smile as i smiled back ''u-um y-you look b-beautiful'' i stuttered as i took my beanie off revealing my mullet. ''thanks you don't look too bad yourself emo'' she said playfully punching my arm. I notice a picnic basket with a note shaped as a heart attached to it. I grab the note and read it ''have a nice date lovebirds signed the fabulous y/n'' i read out blushing towards the word 'lovebirds'. ''wow'' pidge said with a light blush, she seemed so confident. ''ladies first'' i said gesturing to the basket as pidge smiled in response and opened the basket. She takes out the food and places it on the blanket as we both start eating and talking.

y/n's pov

''OMGGGG THEY LOOK SO CUTEEEE!!'' I whisper shout  to everyone else as we peek through the door. ''keep it down y/n'' allura says. ''they look like they're having a blast'' corran says swirling and twirling his mustache. ''you can say that again'' lance says rolling his eyes, ''we really shouldn't be doing this...'' shiro says. He is such a party pooper but its his space dad insticts so what can ya do? ''well watching these two eat food is making me hungry gotta go'' and by the end of that sentence hunk was gone in under a minute along with a guilty shiro. '''i odon't like invading their privacy see you guys later'' he says in the hallways. It just leaves me, allura, corran and lance. ''well gotta go too'' corran says waving goodbye. Lance smirks ''so  that just leaves me and these two beautiful women'' lance says flirtatiously as he puts a arm around both of us. Allura rolled her eyes and escapes his grasp leaving just me and lance spying on the two lovebirds. I pull lance away from me and continue watching the date. Pidge and keith are talking about the rest of the paladins but you can't hear them but luckily you can lipread. ''lance is really annoying'' keith says rolling his eyes and pidge giggles. ''you can say that again!'' pidge says, keith then stares deeply in pidge's hazel eyes ''there's something about you pidge, something that makes me feel something i have never felt before'' he says as pidge stares deeply into keith's violet orbs. Without realizing their faces become inches apart and their eyes become glued shut. I had to use every ounce of my power to stop myself from squealing and ruining the moment. Their lips collide and i quickly get it aaaaallllllll on camera.

well that was a blast  also i'm fangirling c ya

~Princess L <3

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