Chapter 7- Getting to know them

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I love the picture above so much that its weird and looking at that picture i think i might just kiss lance for what he said. Also don't use that for blackmail! -^-

y/n's pov

Everyone ran in as Keith held my arm over his shoulder, i was exhausted and my leg was cut. Everyone ran up to me with beaming smiles on their faces, ''i can't believe you beat level 5!'' pidge said with stars in her eyes. ''Yeah babe your as good as keith, you might even be better than him!'' lance said grinning like a idiot. ''um guys-'' corran cut me off ''you could even help in missions y/n''  he said with a smile twirling his mustache. ''yeah'' shiro said calmly ''we could really use you'' he finished as i look at him blankly. I felt really light headed, my head was spinning and my face felt hot. The next thing i knew everything went black. I heard some muffled voices, one sounded like the princess ''she's probably exhausted, keith bring her to her room and let her rest'' i made out what she said and then i felt someone pick me up and then i fully blacked out.

Keith's pov

i picked my sister up listening what Allura had just said, she was all red and she looked exhausted exactly what Allura had said.''would she be alright?'' Hunk said worried, ''yes she will be she only fainted becuase of exhaustion nothing serious'' pidge said looking at Hunk who just nodded. I carried her to her room, it was next to mine with allura's opposite and pidge on the other side of her's. I entered her room, it was quite messy but she would probably call it "creatively organized'' i laughed at the thought. I then sat her down on her bed gently not wanting her to wake her up and put the her f/c blanket over her. ''good night sis'' i said softly and quietly as i kissed her forehead. I didn't want to leave her though so i got a chair and sat at the end of her bed, i got out my dagger than my mom gave to me and just gazed at it lost in thought. One day y/n is going to have to meet mom, i can't put it off forever. She has to meet her, she's her mother too. She probably doesn't want to see her though, i mean mom left her with nothing of her past. She grew up not knowing her father or her mother and nothing from them. I grew up with dad and i had my dagger that mom gave me, y/n, she had nothing. I fell asleep on the chair in y/n's room until i woke up the next day to a familiar voice. ''k-keith?'' i heard y/n say, my eyes shot right open ''y/n! you feeling better?'' i say with a smile. She returned the smile and said i'm great thanks keith'' she said with a cheery smile ''oh and thanks for staying with me'' she said as she hugged me. I hugged her back saying ''its no sweat  y/n'' as we broke apart.

-time skip a month-

y/n's pov

it has been a moth now since the paladins saved me from the galra ship, i got to know each of them separately and get a liking of each of their hobbies and personalities, even Allura and corrans.

I like to help Shiro out  with missions and planning. We both try and stop fighting  in the team. Me and shiro kinda lead the team, well mainly shiro but i help out a lot.

Cooking with Hunk is so fun, he teaches me human cuisines. Allura said it would be good for me to get to know my human side a lot more considering i dont know anything because of where i was raised.

I've also learned alot of Altean cuisines with Allura some were not that nice but i improved some. I also like to play with the mice too with Allura, its quite entertaining their mouse circus is.

i've bonded with pidge too, i mean she's my brother's future girlfriend so i thought I'd get to know her more. I like to help out with her invetions, she says im helpful and that it is a good quality to have.

Surprisingly Lance can be interesting and goofy when he's not flirting with you. He still does but he's taken it down a few notches. He's practically my best friend now, over the weeks we both have been messing around and secretly have been trying to get pidge and bro together. And when he does hit on me i act as if he's playing around with me and call him a goofball.

And how can be forget space uncle, i unlike everyone else in the ship enjoys corrans tales and stories. I find them entertaining and quite hilarious. Everyone else dont though so they take every chance they have to leave while i listen to corrans stories.

Finally big bro who is one year older than me. He and i enjoy playing around and styling eachother's hair. Lance says that he's only like that with me and pidge and its hilarious to seee him blush to the name 'pidge'. I also like to tease him a lot and i mean a lot. We love to train and its one of the things we have in common, training is what i do best and i have quickly grown to be the best fighter in the team beating my brother and shiro at the same time. Then keith gets angry and i quickly make him forget about it.

yeah was this boring ? i don't know, my sister said that this chapter was boring. i don't know whether to believe her or not so i'm asking you lot my readers.

~Princess L <3

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