Ch 1

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3rd POV

The sun shone brightly, illuminating the small house. Inside the house, a small family of 3 lived, a mother, a daughter and a son. The family was known as the Ashley family.

"Nashi, Luke! Are you up yet? We're going to be late, and you'll get detention!" A blonde that you should recognize as the beautiful Lucy Heartfilia, or rather now, Lucy Ashley.

"Morning mom!" A 10 year old boy chirped as he fixed his jacket. Luke was her son, the older sibling as well. His hair was blonde, almost shoulder length that was usually tide up in a small ponytail or held by a headband. His eyes, a light honey brown. And his skin, a light peach color.

"Luke! Oh thank goodness one of you is ready. Your breakfast is on the table, meet you there," she sighed and trudged over to a small bed that had a pink frame and pinkish-orange pillows and blankets.

Inside the bed lay a girl about 10 years old herself. She had a white t-shirt and black basketball shorts on with knee high socks as her pajamas. Her hair was around shoulder-length and spiky, salmon colored that looked similar to the shade of a strawberry.

She had darker brown eyes that were the same shape as her mothers except a little different. Her skin was slightly tanned.

"Nashi, hurry up. If you get out of bed now, I could help you and we can get you to school on time!" She explained while yanking the blanket of the bed, "You were awake all this time?! "

Though Nashi didn't move, but just stared blankly at a wall. Effortlessly, she turned to the opposite side to keep the sun's rays out of her face.

"Nashi, honey what's wrong-" she was cut off by no other than Luke, Nashi's twin.

"Yeah Nash, what's wrong?" He questioned, tying his blue headband at the side of his head, and sitting down on his blue framed, yellow blanket, and white pillow covered bed across from Nashi's.

When Nashi ceased to response or initiate any contact, Luke figured out what was wrong.

"Mom, Nashi's been having a rough time lately. You remember that one really mean kid, Icharou?" Luke stopped so his mother could answer, and as a response, she gave a small nod, "Yeah well, he's kind of been messing with Nash lately because he found out we don't have a dad. "

"Oh Nashi, is that why you've been acting up lately?" Lucy had noticed her daughter's strange behavior recently, but she dismissed it due to the fact that Nashi had never been one to be affected by school bullies and problems. She'd always wave it off.

"We were wondering, why don't we know our dad?" once again, Luke had spoken up and said something catching Lucy by surprise.

This question caught Lucy off guard. She had always feared the day that they would ask that question.

She had always tried and prepared herself for the day that they'd ask that question, but ultimately, she'd always fail. She knew there was know way to avoid the fact that she was the reason they were never able to receive any fatherly love.

"Is it our fault?" for the first time since she woke up that day, Nashi spoke, with sadness, regret, and guilt laced together in her voice.

Lucy couldn't begin to describe how horrible she felt, because of her, her own daughter blamed herself for not having a father.

"Well, it's definitely not your fault, Nashi, Luke. If it's anyone's fault... It's mine," Lucy croaked, saying the last part a bit quieter than the rest.

The twins had never expected this, to say they were surprised was way less than the truth. They've never gotten anywhere near this much information about their father, their mother rarely spoke of her past, hence their father. 

"What happened?" Luke was ready to join back into the most important conversation they've ever had. He started to wonder of what reason could have possibly been why their small family was never complete. Lucy allowed her mind to drift back, back to the day she was too little, too late. She'd never thought about it too much, for the mere mention of that day was painful enough, let alone speaking of it.

"I had always loved your father, since the day I met him," she took a moment to pause, "I had always wanted to tell him, and many times I attempted to, and one day I was going to for real..." repressed emotions, tears, pain were all starting to surface, she thought of stopping there, but she might as well finish what she started, "but that day...someone else had the same idea... And I wanted him to be happy, without me holding him down."

She easily remembered every detail of that day, she wore a pink t-shirt and a white skirt along with her celestial keys and combat boots. She remembered the sky was a little gray, but it didn't rain. She remembered it was a little chilly, she remembered it was the day lost him to another, never getting the chance to confess directly. And because she didn't tell him, because she was to late, she ran away from her home, her guild, him! And all for what, so her children could grow up fatherless, and for their father to remain oblivious to their existence? Lucy gripped her fingerless glove, forgetting fabric can tear, and almost not caring. She soon felt something small in her side, and something else draped over her. Chuckling, Lucy realized that her two children were hugging her, providing both comfort for her, and themselves.

"Guys, if you leave now you can walk with Karou to school. I have to go, see you after school!" Their mother suggested as she kissed them on the forehead, trying to lighten there mood.

Karou was their bestfriend, and has been since they were 4. He had brown, short hair that was about an inch long. His eyes were black and round. His skin was pale brown.
He was younger than the both of them by 2 months.

Without hesitation, Nashi quickly and clumsily began to get ready, stumbling every now and then. And in less than five minutes, Nashi was racing downstairs, joining her brother in stuffing their mouths with their mother's cooking. They finished messily, falling and tripping over themselves while trying to say goodbye to their mother and racing out the door.

~ten minutes later~

On the side walk was a young boy walking alone.

Who is this boy you ask, Karou Otoro, the best friend of Luke and Nashi Ashley.


"Ahh" Karou yelled as he was tackled to the ground by the twins themselves.

"Morning Karou!" The two greeted in sync while helping their brunette onto his feet.
"How many times do I have to tell you guys not to tackle me anymore?" Karou interrogated them, a scowl spread across his face.

"Sorry, but we were running and didn't stop on time," Nashi explained blushing at her and her brothers foolish actions.

"Sorry Luke, we almost didn't make it on time, but we've arrived at our most despised destination. Runaway Elementary School," Luke sighed. Although he enjoyed learning, the other students lack of enthusiasm and horrible personas.

The three of them wore fairly simple outfits, Luke in a white button up, blue jacket with blue shorts. Nashi in a white button up, red jacket with black knee-high shorts. And lastly, Karou in a white button up with a black jacket and black pants. All of them in their somewhat universal uniform which consisted of a button up with a jacket, and pants, skirts or shorts.

The three friends walked to their lockers to grab, and put away their supplies for the day. Sadly, their great day was ruined when they heard the voice they hated the most,

"Hey pinky,"

A/N: Hey guys!! So I know I deleted my old story and the original versions of this but... I just think this one's SO much BETTER. I'll be updating weekly, aka, once a week. Please don't rush me if I don't write every day, especially since school's starting and I have a lot of stuff other than Wattpad (sadly) to worry about. I really hope you enjoy this chapter, and I'm actually REALLY excited about this STORY (and series: SPOILER ALERT!!) and plan to finish it for real this time!
                                 K, BYE!!!

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