Ch 7

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Luke's POV

This Mira lady is really pretty, so was that Erza lady, but she was also really scary. Kinda like mom when she's mad.... Terrifying.

We walked for about 20 minutes, turns out, Magnolia is really pretty at night. All the stars shine super bright; like mom did. She always loved the stars and would tell us about them and each spirit that went with them. But... After all those stories and conversations we had... She never told us she was a wizard, that our father was a wizard.

Now I wish I would have listened to her rambling more, because I might never get to hear my mom read me a bedtime story ever again. I might never hug her again. I might never see her again.

"L-luke, I know your thinking about mom," Nashi said awfully sad,almost mumbling.

"Wha- how do you know that?" I asked, jumping backwards at her accusation. Is she a wizard?

"You were mumbling, I don't think Mira heard it though, Luke, are... Are w-we going to see m-mom again?" she sniffles, I never liked it when girls cried, much less my sister. The only thing I knew I could do was hug her, I may seem like the smart one, but we have equal IQs. I just like using my brain more. According to mom, we are equally as dense as our dad, pfffft, me. Dense? Nah.

"It'll be okay Nash, promise, we'll get mom back," I whispered, hugging her close. She slowly stopped her small shudders. Her arms choked my neck as she smiled and mumbled,

"Yeah, we will. Thank you Luke," and so we had just realized that we'd arrived 5 minutes before, and the Dreyer family had been watching us as if we were a living soap opera.

"Well that was emotional..." a girl with platinum blonde hair dragged out, she may have been around our age, younger by a bit.

"Shut it... I wanna see if they'll continue!" a boy with white short wavy hair whispered to the blonde, smacking her arm with a creepily concentrated face on.

"Um, what are you people doing?" I was really confused, they were literally binge watching our lives, wait-were did the boy get popcorn from?

"My name is Mavis, and these are my older siblings, Nova and Yuri," a small blonde girl who looked, well maybe 4 or 5. Her hair was pretty long, at her waist, and her eyes were a dull deep shade of green.

"Well nice to meet you, names Luke Ashley and this is my sister, Nashi," I smiled, grabbing Nash and pushing her in front of me. She's really got to get over that shyness, goodness.

"H-hi, nice to meet you!" Nashi forced out, avoiding as much stuttering and eye-contact as possible.

"Tch, I don't like you two very much," Nova nipped, quite furiously, glaring at us.

"H-hey, chill out. We don't have to fight...right?" Nashi was trying to reason, but I was fired up now!

"What ya' tryin' to say?" I yeled, getting closer.

"That I don't deal with scaredy-brats bondie!" she yelled, bashing our foreheads against each other.

"Hey you're blonde too ya' know!"

"That's enough!" Mira yelled, scaring the crap out of both of us.

Then we did the most embarrassing ting ever...

"A-aye sir!" we yelled, hugging like the best of friends.

As I looked around, I noticed that everyone except us, Mira, Nashi and Mavis had gone inside. All of us were pale.

Mira smiled like nothing happened, and giggled, "Good, now let's go inside!"

Both Nashi and I sweat-dropped, 'What the hell'.

There house was significantly larger than the Fernandez house. The whole thing was lightning proof, no metals except for electronics. And the roof was over 10 feet high!

"So, what brings chumps like you two all the way to Magnolia, and our house?" The oh so rude blonde named Nova interrogated, leaning over towards us.

"Nova! Quit this absurd behavior at once!" Mira yelled, obviously agitated.


"Well, um. Wait!" I stopped, then I glared at her, "You heard our whole problem outside your house!"

"Yeah, I guess. Well that must suck," she walked over to the fridge, pulled out the milk carton, and started drinking straight from it.

"Aren't you going to get a cup?" Nashi asked, looking amazed.

"Nah, what's the point? We're all family here, and the cups are too far," she looked so... calm and normal, as if this happens all the time.

"Woah! You're so cool!" Nashi yelled in awe.

"Tch. I already know that, want some?" she gestured the carton over to us.

Nashi stared at it hardly, almost like she was trying to drill a whole in its side. Then she looked to me with eyes begging for help on this decision, I smirked and gestured to the bottle, "Take a swig Nash, just milk, can't hurt you."

"Alright then, hand it over!" she beamed, and in that moment, time stopped and all I could see was my mom's face, in black and white. And at that moment, I new she was still alive. I knew we'd find her.

A/N, Hey guys, hows it going? I'm getting into the habit of writing more, and for that you can thank my English teacher; she's so cool! So, did you like the characters so far? I know some of the names are different, but I wanted to change them all a bit. So if you're liking the story, vote, comment, and follow!

K, BYE (^u^)       #uwu

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