Ch 11

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3rd POV
~with Lucy~

The blonde groaned as she awoke on the cold stone floor of her cell. She'd been there for about 2 days and was already eager to escape.

They hadn't even thought to feed her, or even give her a glass of water. All she wanted was to get back to her family, oh so badly she wanted to see them again
The floor was greasy and smelt of oil.

"Jackson! Why the hell am I still tied up! I don't have my keys nor do I know where they're at! Just let me go..." she tried, yelling but then becoming dizzy due to lack of water and recent malnourishment. 

She was so hungry she'd eat just about anything at this point. Maybe even one of her old flying neko friends. She laughed at the thought, eating one of her old friends was something she'd never actually consider, especially not those who had become family all those years ago.

Jackson who had been in the room the whole time stepped out of the shadows, revealing himself in the little amount of light in the rusty old cell. "I can't Lucy, I need to go back..." one of his eyes were beginning to look bloodshot, and unhumanly fierce. Each time he'd visit her in the cell, she'd do her best to gain knowledge from him, and about him. 

During hose visits, they'd talk, and try to get the other to break. She'd noticed that he seemed extremely closed off, and absentminded, almost not there at all. She wanted to know what was going on that made him seem as if he was losing pieces of himself every time she saw him.

"P-please, just let me eat something... I know you're better than this... Please..." her words were forces, her voice cracking every few words.

"Fine... But don't think I'm gonna let you go so easily Heartfilia," he obliged, asking a guard to fetch something quick.

As the guard handed him the small tray of food, Lucy's nose began scrunching at the delicious smell of bread and meat. Her stomach rumbled excitedly as the tray was slid in front of her. She used her lightly chained hands to eat, giving no attention to the plastic utensil resting next to her.

Watching her eat, Jackson cracked a small, distressed smile. He felt the feeling of remorse build up in his chest as she looked content with her small meal.

"Eat up, I won't be here for the rest of the day, so no more sandwiches after this," he stated with absolutely no sign of happiness, playfulness or any sort of positive emotion even hinting in his voice. "I'll see you tomorrow, Heartfilia."

With that he left and Lucy dozed off into a well needed nap.

"Seems as though I will never be free," a cloaked figure spoke as he and a young girl with long blonde curly hair disappeared.

"Fire Dragon... Roar!" two other voices boomed in the opposite direction of the cloaked figure.

She turned to look behind her, her eyes widened as her pupils dilated at the scene before her.

A blonde boy around 16 and a pinkette girl the same age were charging at each other at full speed. Both were covered in blood and glowing marks.

"Luke! Nashi!" she cried as she ran for them, her arm reaching out as far as she could.

"Regulus Flames!" the young blonde boy's arms swelled and covered themselves in vines of bright light, becoming bright yellow flames in his hands with a deadly aura surrounding him.

"Dark Flames!" Nashi's appendages submerged into a dark abyss, creating flames much like those of the Fire God Slayer, Zancrow. 

'They were destined to fight, till the death...'

As their eyes gleamed with the brilliance of their own flames, and they charged at each other, using all their might "No!" Lucy cried as the vision before her faded out into a black that could rival the night.

She shot up from the ground in a cold sweat, her eyes dilated from fear. She needed to get out, now. Her vision couldn't come true, she wouldn't let it.

The guards gave her side glances and strange looks as she banged on the cell"L-let me out! They're in trouble!" Her voice cracked in despair as she realized there was no point in begging. "I'm sorry, I failed."

~with the twins and Natsu~

"So how old are ya? 9? 10?" The pink haired man questioned, cocking an eyebrow at the young siblings before him.

Luke's face shined with mischievousness, "10, both of us. Nashi is just kinda short," Luke joked, a small smirk playing at his mouth. In return, he was given with a small, 'shut up.'

Natsu grinned, "Hey, so are the other kids."

Nashi smiled, "Yeah, Yuri and Nova are about our age, so is Reiki. Mavis and Charlotte are a bit younger though," she confirmed.

"Yeah, but you guys are about the same age as the rest of 'em!"

"...Rest of the kids?"

"Ohayo minna!" The doors were kicked open as the dust cleared, revealing 9 small figures, the rest of the new generation of Fairy Tail.

"Huh... Who are you two?"

A/N, Hey guys!

Please, before you kill me for not updating for like... a month... I wasn't in my house and did not have time to update for the past week and before that... before that... I wasn't able to because I also did not have much time and kinda forgot I had a story in the first place so... Hehe...

Other than that I hope you enjoyed this chapter, we got a bit more Lucy time and finally, we are going to see the rest of the ships-er I mean 2nd gen... ;). I also gave you guys a little sneak peek into the future, aka the final battle in the second book! You guys can comment what ships you think became canon in my story, and who you think the nine characters are.

Hint: 4 characters aren't extreme main characters... 

The ship names of the 4 kids ^ parents are backwards: neerGflE dna anaC x suhccuB 

So I hope you are enjoying and I've come up with a new idea for an update system:

I'll update based on the challenge/goal I set for you guys because I can't be doing all the work! JK...Kinda...

So I challenge you guys to hit: 3 votes! I'll update the day after the goal is reached.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow... or don't follow. Sometimes the challenge will change, like maybe comments instead of voting, or a game! K, BYE!!!

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