Ch 9

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~Flashback ~

"Lu-chan?" a short blue haired girl asked as she knocked on the apartment door. "Can I come inside, I know you're in here, you haven't been at the guild for almost 2 weeks Everyone is worried, especially Natsu and Happy!"

"Please Levy-chan... just go, I'm not going to come out anytime soon.." a blonde mumbled, placing her head between her knees, letting out an exasperated sigh.

"I saw this coming," Levy whispered as she pulled out a small key, unlocking and opening the door.

"Levy-chan, how did you get a key to my apartment?" Lucy asked, looking at the door from her very 'comfortable' position on the floor.

"I've had it for a while now," She giggled, stretching her arm out to her blonde friend.

Reluctantly, Lucy took Levy's hand, stood up and went towards her bed. "Levy-chan, I don't know what to do," Lucy sobbed, clutching her head.

"What's wrong?"

Lucy's stomach bubbled, acid rising up to her throat, stinging the back of her mouth. She covered her mouth with her hand tightly, grasping her stomach as she ran to her bathroom. As her stomach's contents spilled into her toilet, Levy used her right hand to hold Lucy's hair up. 

Flushing the toilet,  Lucy laid back on her wall, sliding down into a ball like position, "Levy-chan, I-I'm pregnant! I don't know what to do..."

"Lu-chan, was it Natsu?" Levy whispered in a hushed voice, kneeling down by her blonde friend.

At the verge of tears, lucy shook her head yes, confirming Levy's suspicions.

"When?" her eyebrows cocked, surprised that Lucy and someone as dense as Natsu could end up in this predicament.

"After Alvarez, the guild got so drunk. Even I got pulled into it... I'm not even sure how I can remember all this actually."

Lucy blushed, her face going completely red. Levy looked at her weirdly, unsure of what she'd been thinking about that caused her ears to burn so profusely. Waving it off, Levy decided to start a conversation, "Lu-chan, what are you going to do?"

"I-I'm not sure, I can't tell him. Imagine what it would do to our friendship? He could hate me for the rest of our lives!" Lucy exaggerated, failing her arms around dramatically, causing Levy to stifle a laugh.

"You know Natsu could never hate you, right? Even if he doesn't know it's his kid, he'll help you raise them," Levy soothed, sliding down next to the hysterical Luy.

"But that's exactly my point, he'll resent me! He's not going to be held down by me for the rest of his life because we did something while we were drunk!" she sobbed, "I just want him to be happy..."

"I know Lu-chan, but you have to tell him, whether you want to or not."

"Thanks, Levy-chan," Lucy gave a small, pained smile at Levy.

"Anytime Lu-chan," Levy stood up, waving goodbye as she left for the guild.

Lucy showered, found the outfit she wore when she first met Natsu, and prepared herself for one of the biggest challenges of her life. Within five minutes, she was out the door.


She stood outside the guild doors, inhaling deeply, and pushing them open. Almost immediately, she was pulled into a bone-crushing hug, her face being slammed into a metal chest plate as two gauntlets were hugging her tightly around the neck.

"Lucy! You're back, I was beginning to think Levy was lying," Erza smiled, releasing Lucy's neck, and gripping her shoulders.

"Well I'm back now!" the slightly dazed blonde chuckled. "What exactly did Levy-chan tell you?"

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