Ch 4

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3rd POV
~the same day as Lucy's capture ~

During the battle, Lucy and the men had all been teleported into a building, blocking out Lucy's magic power.

"Gah!" the blonde mage cried as she was thrown into a dirty cell.

"Hello Heartfilia..." a man with black hair with silver streaks, black eyes, and a sinister grin greeted oh, so sickeningly sweet. "I've had my eye on you for a while..."

The said Heartfilia hung her head low, slowly looking up and glaring at the man with teeth clenched, "What do you want?"

"I want you to do something for me, something only the most powerful amongst spirit mages can do," he was now at eye level with Lucy, "I want you to power my cannon, to change Earthland's fate."

"Forget it, I would never help someone like you, nor could I provide anywhere near the amount of fire power for a cannon." the man smirked, snapping his fingers.

Within seconds, guards came in and transferred Lucy from the cell into handcuffs.

"Oh... But this isn't just any cannon, you're very familiar with this one!" he pulled out a small lacrima, showing a giant cannon, almost completed.

"T-the eclipse cannon, but how? It was destroyed!" at this point she was extremely confused. She had seen the cannon be destroyed.

"I found the plans and rebuilt it! Beautiful, isn't it?" he smiled, only to smirk at the spirit mage staring, still in shock.

"Even if I wanted to, which I never would, I couldn't. The cannon requires all of the zodiac keys, I only have 10."

"When I found the plans, I modified it to only require one mages power, one mages keys. And since you have over 6 of the keys, you'll do just enough," he caressed her cheek, making her flinch at his touch.

"What do you even want the cannon for?" Lucy interrogated him.

"I want to steal Zeref's curse, to be the one to destroy life, bringing a group of followers along with myself to start new, wash away the pain that this planet is filled with. I want to change fate." Lucy stared wide-eyed at his reasoning, why would you want the power to destroy life? "I will make sure no one ever has to feel pain again, all wars, will be erased from history. I won't lose her, this time I will make sure she survives!"

Lucy didn't know what to think, but suddenly she remembered his words, "Who is 'she'?"

"The love of my life, my everything, Marissa. She was taken from me, and I had no power to save her! This time, I will protector, I'll have the magic to do so..." he trailed off, wiping the lone hot tear that slid down his cheek before sniffling, "You see, this is why I have to have his power. The new land I want to create, it will have no such thing as pain, heartbreak. Everything will be undone, destroyed, and a new existence will begin."

"What's your name?"

The man flinched in shock, first off she was his prisoner, second she was smiling warmly at him, and third she was asking for his name. Just what kind of prisoner is Lucy Heartfilia?

"My name is Jackson, Jackson Scott."

"I have a feeling there's more to you than this, 'Jackson Scott'," Lucy laughed weakly, "I hope I'm right."

"Sorry to break it to you but," Jackson paused, exhaling deeply and wiping the sad frown off his face to replace it with a fake scowl, "Your wrong."

He walked off, his head low. Once he was in the shadows, invisible to Lucy, he turned around and smiled with the saddest eyes and whispered, "I wish you were right, Lucy."

~Jackson's past~

It was an ordinary summer day, sun was shining, birds chirping, wind blowing and trees rustling. It was quite beautiful.

A beautiful woman around 18 years old with dark orange hair and bright blue eyes hugged the arm belonging to a man with slick back black hair and dark brown eyes.

But all good things must come to an end.

That night, horrible mages with a thirst for power broke into a small home, and attacked a helpless couple.



"NO!!!"  Jackson struggled against one of the mages, who was holding him back using runes magic to hold him back.

'Marissa' used her final breath to say, "I love you, goodbye..." before she spoke she had been stabbed in the stomach by a magic sword, with venom inbedded inside of it.

One of the mages removed a glove, placing his bare hand on Marissa's heart, draining her small amount of life, and the large amount of love.

The mages left, leaving Jackson to mourn his late beloved. His heart turned black, along with his eyes and his hair grew white streaks as his tears of sadness turned into tears of anger, burning down his face. Determination and vengeance clouded his thoughts as he picked in orange haired female off the ground, carrying her in his arms, jumping out the window and running to a meadow, the meadow they first met.

"I promise... Marissa, I will have REVENGE!"

"I will save you."

~E.N.D Of Jackson's past~

A/N: Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a while, but I've been really sick and school has been really crazy for me since I just moved to a new state, and now go to a magnet school that's like a high school for middle schoolers, with 10 PERIODS!  I've also been sick trying to get over a fever, I still am. I know I said I would be updating every Monday, and I'm sorry to disappoint, but I'm going to have to switch it to every other Monday. Well, I hope you guys are enjoying my story, please vote, comment, and follow! And remember I love interacting with my readers!

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