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Minho POV:

Just. One. More. Day. Until hell starts all over again for a whole week. Well more like a few hours. It was 3 am, and I have to get up at 7 am to get ready. But it wasnt my fault that I stayed up this late its Day6 fault. They for whatever reason decided to drop the Shoot Me mv at 2 am instead of 6 pm.

But it was worth it staying up this late, the whole album was a bop. My favorite side tracks were Warning and Somehow! The whole Shoot Me Mv was amazing!!!! I know I should stay loyal to Jae but Wonpil and Brian were coming at me like a bullet.

"LEE MINHO GET YOUR ASS TO BED!!" My mother screeched at me. I may or may not have been screaming the Shoot Me lyrics. I grunted but followed my moms advice and but my phone on the charger and go to bed. My eyes closed right as my face touched the pillow.

-Time skip brought to you by Minsungs almost kisses (there going to kill me one day-

I got off the school bus seeing friends lingering around before going inside. Chatting, running, pulling pranks the usual things they do. I walked down looking for someone until I heard my name called.

"MINHO!!!! MINHO!!!!!" I turn around and see Seungmin running towards me. "Minho did..." he pants out. "Listen to..." he says again obviously out of breath.

"Seungmin calm down then tell me." He nods and after a few minutes to get his breathing gets controlled he says.

"Did you listen to the whole Youth Part 1 album!?!" He exclaimed jumping in excitement.

"Obviously Seungmin." I say while rolling my eyes but pulled out my phone and pushed the YouTube app. I found Shoot Me MV on my recommended. I clicked the video and once the song started both me and Seungmin started to sing, well more like scream the lyrics.

"JUST SHOOT ME SHOT ME EH EH~~~" The song ended with us getting a lot of weird stares but who cares.

But next on autoplay was I Need Somebody, I love this song so much, all songs are masterpieces but how there still not known beats me.

"Why am I alone~" I hear two more voices harmonize with us. I turn around and found Jeongin and Chan near us.

"Whats up?" Jeongin asked us.

"You know the usual, going to school, listening to music, dying because of Youth Pt 1. You know." Seungmin replied Chan then began to say "Same I studied, practiced singing, cured cancer, talk to you idiots the usual."

"I sung, learned a song on the piano, stopped world hunger, and slept," Jeongin replied.

"I slept, ate learned some choreographys, made world piece happen and layed in bed, same old same old."

Chan looked down at his wrist watch and said "We should get going school starts in a few minutes." We all nodded starting to go our separate was but I waited for Jeongin, because we had 1st period, vocal lessons, together.

Jeongin gave Chan a tight hug and whispered. "Bye Chan" (Sorry for not using honorifics I dont want to make a mistake or anything because I am not used to using them.) Jeongin skipped away over to me. Sadly he missed seeing Chans face turning into a blushing mess.

Jeongin reached me and we began to walk inside JYP. We walked down to our lockers which were conveniently placed by each other.

"So are you and Chan dating yet?" I asked. Jeongin blushed and looked down shyly. "No," he said to me. "Come on we have to go to class or else were going to be late." With that he left me walking down to the Vocal Lesson room.

I looked to mt left to see Jisung. He always just stood around like an outcast, he had no friends because the school was weird and stayed with there friend groups they have known forever.

Jisung though would always wear the longest sweaters and a beanie. It was like his signature outfit.

I walked down to Vocal Lesson and couldnt get his face out of my head. I walked inside over to Jeongin and sat down. He noticed that I had "That" look in my face where I was deep in my thoughts.

He didnt know what I was thinking of but he left me alone. I was thinking of ways to become friends with the squirrel looking boy. An idea struck me like a bullet and I began to write down on my paper while thinking "hopefully this works"

A/N there all 17 hahahaha yep and this is a special school for people who want to be in the music world. So yeah.

You're a Hybrid??? (SKZ Jisung X Minho) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now