Chapter 10

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Hey guys your shitty author is back writing another shitty upload! Stan Oneus yall just debuted I waited over 6 motnhs for this so was not let down. Seoho and Hwanwoong defintely ruled this era hands down.

*Minhos POV*

Jisung was sleeping in my arms and his hair that was sticking out of his gray beanie just made him look more cute..... 'What?Where did that thought come from? I am being possessed omg someone cleanse me. I just got to know him a little better.

Chan and Jeongin were downstairs probably cuddling and being the cute uwu couple that they were. I pushed away the thoughts of my friends being to disgustingly soft with eachother.

I went back to looking over at Jisung and admiring him. Not in a creepy way but his presence brings me more comfort then my old boyfriend that was more of a friend luckily we are still friends because he is a really cool guy and has helped me a lot.

*Chans POV*

Jeongin was in my arms cuddling up into me on the couch and I look down at him with a smile u permenatly painted on my face. He just makes me want to be with him forever and being away from him hurts me. I trust him with my life and I feel just so happy to be around him and being able to call him mine. Every moment I am with him is the best moment ever and it feel like enternity when he isnt with me. I just want to hug and cuddle him forever. He makes me feel this beautiful thing that others would describe as love. (Me except I would rather be in my gilfriend arms right now Edit: Did that Yesterday and wow was it amazing except she was mostly in mine oof)

I love him so much that I would do everything to help. My life without him was kinda dull. He bring a special spark to life and it is as if everything had a new meaning and life was actually good enough to live in. I couldnt get enough of the feeling Jeongin makes me feel and I could get drunk in his love.

"Hey Jeongin," I say angling my face down and I spoke to him my voice raw with the emotions I was feeling. "I love you so much!" Jeongin didnt seem to expect what I said from how his cheeks were lightly dusted with pink that made him so goddamn adorable, I mean he is always so adorable no matter what. (Me at my girlfriend)

"God Chan I love you to so much!" He said while nuzzling his head deeper into my neck and shoulders. I kissed the top of his head and laid back down content with life and how everything was going.

*Jisungs POV*

I woke up to feeling... A warm wall behind me. I was a dumbass after waking up I didnt realize that walls are never warm but me being me I snuggled closer to the warmth actually feeling a little bit decent for once.

I only got suspicious that it wasnt a wall when a long arm like thing wrapped itself around my waist. (Little tmi but this happened to me while I was sleeping with my girlfriend and it was amazing wow.)
I probably jumped out of the bed in shock but the arms held me closer making sure that I didnt move I was practically trapped. I turned around and saw that the owner of this whatever you call it happening was Minho. Everything that happened came back and well I was the hugest idiot in the world.

Good thing Minho is still asleep or else he would tease me cause I was blushing. But I mean he was so close to me I could move forward a little and we would be kissing. I dared not to move or even breathe.

I admired his features and how he looked like a masterpiece that the gods sculpted themselves. His light but almost tan skin that looked flawless and how the light hit it just perfectly to accent his soft yet sharp facial features.

I stared to long that I probably looked like a creep if Jeongin or Chan walked in. I then spaced out thinking about what Chan was saying and what he meant. Who was he? How do I know him> How does he know of me?

I concluded that he had to know me when I was a younger child or these two kids I used to be in a group with when I was younger and I trusted those 2 with my life and they tried to help me but the people I stayed with got in the way.

It was tickling the back of my brain I should know who these people are I feel so awful to have forgotten who Chan was to me.

Wait hold up....

I believe I have figured out who he is....

The thought haunts me as the memory keeps replying in my head.....

No wonder he seemed familiar.....

I cant believe I am such an idiot why didnt I realize earlier.....

He was The Chan, 1/3 of my group, it was CB97 after all.....

Hey guys I am back with another update yay!! So like a few days ago I had my first kiss and uwuwuwuwu I love my girlfriend a lot. She is honestly one of the best person I have ever met and I just love her to the bottom of my heart even if we havent been dating for super long only 2 months, I have liked her for way over a year so yeah. She is the cutest and most amazing person ever I just want to cuddke her and show my love for her and kiss her and just be around her.

You're a Hybrid??? (SKZ Jisung X Minho) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now