Chapter 19

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King came back with another amazing song

*Chans POV*

I sat stressed in the uncomfortable seats waiting for news of Minho. I had a habit of looking down at my watch and low behold i look down at my watch seeing it was 1:27 am just one minute has passed what the fuck. I wished it was longer. Minutes upon minutes passed and i did nothing, at one point I was fidgeting with my watch mindlessly.

"Um... Chan correct?" The desk lady asked me and jumping up I quickly walk over to see what is the news with Minho. "Minho is ready for visitors its floor 3 the second door on the left"

"Okay thank you..." I quickly look down at her name tag, "Mrs. Park." I rush over to the elevator and clicked the number three and impatiently tapped my foot hearing the door ring and open at floor two and some strangers join and we all stood in awkward silence.

The evevator reached the third level with a relief. I awkwardly said "Excuse me," and then followed Mrs. Park instructions and I found Minhos door but I hesitated at the door my hand on my handle.

I paused taking some deep breaths and finally I opened the door to see minho hooked up to so many different machines. I walked over to the stool by his bed and gaze upon my friend and in his sleep his face was contorted with distress.

"Hey Minho," my voice breaks with tears threatning to spill but i didnt allow them to. I am so glad that he is alive and judging by all the blood he lost he was probably close to dying. My bestfriend is alive and staring down at his almost lifeless body i see that he isnt really alive he is more of a waking dead person. I only wish that one day he will be happy.

*Jisungs POV*

I dont wanna move everything is in pain, my wounds have stopped bleeding well i mean if I move to much they will probably open again. Last night I didnt have any energy to do anything but bandage my wounds and go to my bed.

This morning my room smelt heavily of dried blood and i groan at the thought of having to clean this up later. Running quickly across the cold floor i rush to the bathroom so my feet dont get assaulted with how cold it was. Now standing infront of the small broken mirror that was cracking. I take off my shirt wincing as my hands brush over the bandages. 'Its going to be painful taking them off and cleaning them ughhh' I slowly unwrap the bandages that were around my waist were all my cuts were.

I stared at my cuts and i get over the tub with the bottle of hydrogen peroxide in my hands I poor it all over my cuts. I bit my tongue to stop my complaints and screams that I was about to voice. I began to taste blood but i didnt care.

After a bit I wrapped it in bandages and started getting ready for school in slow, jerky movements. I tried my hardest to get ready for the day but the pain of moving would hopefully go away or i just become numb to it.

*At school*

I limp around in pain and to think its only lunch, only half way through the fucking day. I wouldnt mind dying right now. I hobble around to where I usually sit and I notice the depressed feel to the group from a mile away.

"hey guys whats the matter, why do yall look so glum??" I asked concern and a heart stricken Chan answers, "Minho is in the hospital and he almost died yesterday....." I was shocked, what happened to Minho?? Chan must have heard my thought or i spoke it aloud but he responded with, "He cut himself.... Yesterday has always been a hard day every year it has been...." Oh no yesterday what happened to him where he also connects yesterday to bad events?

"Well lets go see him," I say and I limp down the hill hoping the others wouldnt notice. I wince in pain as I stepped to hard on my leg and it sent a jolting pain up my leg into my torso. I just stood there and soon Chan and Woojin and Jeongin have caught up to me.

"Okay we can take my small car to see him...." Chan says and his eyes i just realized were bright red with bags under them so i assumed he didnt sleep at all last night and he was crying a lot.

We all nodded our heads to agree with it and walked to where Chans car was parked. With not another word we sat and drove all the way to the hospital and soon I begun to get nervous but giddy that I was seeing Minho again. I have missed him dearly his cute eye smile and the way he radiates happiness and just whenever he gets shy he just looks down and twirl his thumbs. Sometimes he gets so egotistical that he just says how amazing he is and I admire a self love like that.

We arrived at the hospital and i hobble all the way to the elevator and impatiently it slowly went up to what I assume is the correct floor and for a few moments I forgot all about my pain I was just so happy to see Minho. I ran with chan to the door chan led us in and idk what I expected going in but Minho looked lifeless in his bed hooked up to all sort of machines and needles. I slowly walk over and it breaks my heart to see him in this bed and he seemed so emotionless I couldnt. The others must have had the same reaction and Jeongin began to cry seeing him on the bed so defensless. Woojin and Chan looked over at Jeongin and ushered him out of the room to comforting the crying boy.

I sat down by the bed ready to cry, my poor Minho. I stare at his serene face but I am assuming nothing is calm for him. Minutes after Minutes pass and a few tears streak down my cheek I did nothing.

"j-j-jisung" I hear a voice croak and I look up to see Minho lightly flutering his eyes and I am overwhelmed by happiness to see him talk and be awaken from his slumber.

"j-jisung t-thanks fo-or being h-her-re. I-i-im sor-r-ry," He forces out and begins to lightly cry which made me cry even harder. We both sorta clung to eachother more so me cause he cant move and i hold his arm and cry harder.

Hope yall enjoy it!

You're a Hybrid??? (SKZ Jisung X Minho) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now