Chapter 2

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(I have been on this huge Astro kick and listening to every song. I am 13/18 done with NCT learning faces to names. Then onto Astro so yah!)

*Next day*
*Jisungs POV*

I was at school and went to my locker same old same old. But it wasnt the same it was different the was a different... Feeling I guess. I dont know how to describe it but I know everything was going to change.

I open my locker to see yet another note. I never leave anything in my locker before I leave so I know it wasnt mine.

I look left and right in the abandoned hallway and see this mysterious M person if anybody in the hallway. (I am reading the Blood lyrics and I am like wtf what kinda song is this the person who is inflicting it must be a sadist or something oof) I was curious so I decided to open the note that was left to me. It read:

Dear Jisung!
Uhhhhhhh.... Hi! Welp I saw you smile yesterday!!! (yestoday [doyoungs lines slay me everyday]) I really like you smile please keep smiling more!!!
- M

I smile (by Day6) at this mysterious person weird ass note. I dont know nobody has complimented me is so many years I got flustered at the note I dont know what I should do.

I look down at my phone and see that the studio opens in 5 minutes. "Welp I should go and record another song." I say to myself.

(I am just listening to Day6 cause it helps me concentrate oof you better thank them for this update cause I hate updating oof)

*Minhoes POV*

I woke up well rested for once then I check my alarm. "SHIT I AM FUCKING LATE TO HELL AGAIN!!!!" Its 10 am right now. I flew out of my bed and anyone would have thought I had wings for how high I got to.

I rush around the house like a mad person and I grab my keys and rushed to my car driving to school.

By the time I get to school its 10:30 am. I rush to the office and sign myself in and then rush to my locker. Quickly shoving everything down I rush to Dance class.

I ran inside and panted out "Im here" luckily for me everyone is just stretching.

"Well your late." Mr. Choi said. Great job stating the obvious.

"I am so sorry Mr. Choi it wont happen again!" I bowed at a 90° while apologizing.

"It better not!" I nodded and put my stuff down. I found an empty spot and began stretching. A little while later Mr. Choi said, "Okay in a few weeks we will begin a project. You guys will all be working in pairs!"

You could see most people eyeballing there friends and or partners. Oof my lonely soul is lonely cause my only friends are in other classes.

(oof my 4 year old brother is in my room listening Day6 with me. He is saying his favorite Brian who is also my bias.

"... But I am choosing your partners." The room filled with sighs and groans and people mumbling under their breath "Stupid Choi Jaebum!" and "Ugh why?"

"I will announce partners in about 2 weeks. Okay today for warm up were going to do Oh My! Choreography.

(Omg we are watching I Loved You and I pointed out his favorite Brian and he started flopping around oof)

-Time Skip to lunch brought to you by this compilation-

"Did you here about the dance project?" Hyunjin asked to the group.

"Yeah." Changbin says "I hope I get Felix to be my partner." I know the real reason why Changbin said that. I smirked at Changbin who sat by a very flustered Felix. "B because h he i is good a at d dancing... Yeah thats it." I definitely believe it was just because Felix was a good dancer, yep I believe it 100%.

"Well I hope I get partnered with my Seungminnie," Hyunjin said while pinching the cheeks of the boy who sat in his lap.

"I hope I get Channie!" Jeongin said oblivious to the blushing boy sitting right by him.

"And I hope you guys get less gayer!" Woojin said sassily.

"Hey leave us gays alone, your just jealous we got boyfriends before you.... Well except Minho." Seungmin replied and looked at me sympathetically.

I look at them and say, "Youre all helpless!" (look into your eyes and the sky's the limit~)

(what is this.... An update wow. Smh listening to so much music sorry for the small update the next one will be super long well longer oof)

Question: Jisung singing or rapping?

Answer: Well his rapping slays me and his singing slays me I am dead both ways

You're a Hybrid??? (SKZ Jisung X Minho) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now