chapter 5

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This song is way to underrated stan n.flying folks or miss out on fucking bops

*Minho POV*

Like every dream I have been experiencing for the last 9 years. It started with a woman giving me a cookie. Everything was bright and happy and just full of life. Nothing could destroy it..... At least thats what I thought.

The nice breeze and under the swaying leaves, I sat by a woman and a man. They both were looking at me with eyes filled with pure love and contentment at the life we live. Everything was so calm and serene I decided to close my eyes.

After a bit there was a quiet sound off into the distance. I was an ignorant child, and dismissed it as some loud family. I could hear it coming closer. Something about the noise was nothing i heard before. A mix of a bark and growl but it didnt sound like a dog. But more humanish?

I felt the woman under me tense and quickly sat up making me fall down. "We need to go!" The man shouted with haste. The woman grabbed me and started quickly walking to the car with the man following us closely behind.

Our car was in sight just, a little further. I then heard almost right behind us a low, gravely growl. I could smell the stink or rotten flesh? In the air from the thing behind us.

The woman fell down with a loud cry of pain, I tumbled down with her. I turned around and see a long slash along the side of the woman's back. There was so much blood already, i could see the tissue and muscle of her side. Even more gruesome i could see the thing eat her covered in blood. I unfroze and ran back to the core after my senses returned. Everything happened so fast. I could hear her last mangled scream before everything went quiet..... To quiet.

I turned around to see a sickening site. You couldnt even recognized the woman she was missing a huge chunk from her side she had so much blood the earth 1 ft around her was painted in her blood. It took a second to realize that she was dead. I couldnt process it all i said was. "NO THIS CANT BE HAPPENING!!!!!!"

You're a Hybrid??? (SKZ Jisung X Minho) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now