Chapter 7

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Hello everyone I am back with a new chapter and well soon I am  to recommend some of my favorite fics for stray kids and well with the main ones of like Jeongchan, Minsung, Seungjin, and changlix I have a favorite ship and it is probably besides minsung it is SeungIn and I love that ship a lot you know oof. Anyways Rooftop is really good omfg but I miss Kwangjin!!

*1 week later Minhos POV*

Every night I get less and less sleep, more things are triggering the memories I wish it could all go away yet it never seems to. Every year I deal with this pain and I cant take it much longer, it keeps getting worse and worse every year and well it may not be noticable but now it is almost unbearable. I dont understand what keeps triggering these memories each and every day it seems and I feel bad for everyone that is arouf me during these hard times. Especially people like Jisung that dont even know what is happening. The only people that truly know what happened that night 10 years ago in one week is well Chan and Jeongin.

I sat in bed longer wallowing in my self hatred and tried to find the will to get out of bed today. Seconds passed which led to minutes and then more minutes passed and I just didnt feel like I could do anything. I didnt even feel the will to pick up my phone that was legit across my bed. So I just didnt do anything, 'Chan and Jeongin will find an excuse for me.' So I drifted off not into deep slumber more like that time that you are inbetween sleeping you know, like your not actually sleeping but your not awake either.


I awake to the sound of my phone buzzing and vibrating, 'hmmmm I must have put my phone on vibrate but I dont remember doing that.' I after a bit sat up and quickly snatched my phone and answering the call. I first though look at the time and I saw it was 2 pm. I slept for a good solid 9 hours, I finally and getting the well deserved rest. Several voice chimed in all screaming and asking if I was okay and why I skipped school. Chan began silencing them and with a very worried voice asked "Is there anything that you want us to help you with?! I am coming over with Jeongin...." With that my friends all voiced a chorus of complaints, "... And we will be there to help you in anyways okay???" Well at least the two people I trust probably the most and know what I am going through so they will the ones that will help me the most. No offence to my other friends but they will ask unnecessary question that I just dont need right now. "So....."

"Oh yeah," That is all that I could muster with my weak voice that was sore and starting to hurt from the lack of water I have dranken in the last few days.... Oops. Chan noticed probably that I wasnt going to be able to talk more so he hung up and my arms began growing very tired so I set down my phone and just relaxed. Little did I know a very special visitor was also coming here.

*Jisungs POV*

I stayed after school a little bit to make up for Minho not being here and working on the dance. I havent heard from him so I am assuming that he is sick or is just having a bad mental health day. I just dont know, I- I miss him so much yet I barely know him. He has just became the closest I have been to someone in so many years after leaving two of my only best friends at our old home when I moved and like I miss them so much and obviously they didnt spill to anyone about my secret which I want to thank them so much for.

As I was walking out head down with my earbuds in, listening to N.flyings new release Rooftop which is a huge bop and like in the chorus when Seunghyub and Hweseung almost like harmonize to put it, it is just magical. Also recently I have been listening to this group called Voisper and let me tell you there vocals are probably one of the best they can all harmonize and they have done many covers and also can do acapella, so yeah. Anyways as I was walking not paying attention the most cliche thing happen to me, I ran into someone and fell onto the ground, not so gracefully but at least it didnt hurt. "Oh my god I am so so sorry I didn't mean to run into you I just wasnt paying attention and im so sorry!" I looked up and I saw a familiar face but I couldnt place who it was. Whatever I see many faces maybe it is one I met before I went into hiding......

You're a Hybrid??? (SKZ Jisung X Minho) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now