chapter 9

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Hi hello yall I am back with another update!!

*Minhos POV*
The lady dropping onto the ground, the thing hovering over her earing her alive. The scences of that horrifying day kept running through my mind in a endless loop. I was stuck reliving the events on after another. The man risking his life so I could safely make it into the car. Feeling the things breath so close to me that my neck was tingling and I could smell the distinct smell of Iron on his tongue. I shouldnt be alive, I dont want to be alive, with the fresh reminder of the experiance written on me the scars of the claws up against my back, and the even more worse the way those  memories stain my brain like bleach that will never leave me. It has become a part of me.

The chilling shrieks of the people around me dying so i could stay alive. The blood that painted the grass that overtime as made the soil grow lilacs a constant and chilling reminder of the loss of those two people that died that day, but it should have been three. My body physically survived but that day part of me and my sanity died there.

The car I was in was shaking with the beasts attempt to get in and take my life just as it did to the two other people. i was stuck in the back as the car was shifting back and forth back and forth bery violently. I just curled up in a ball hoping that I would somehow would survive. "Minho..." A faint voice was calling, That was strange was the thing trying to lure me out of the car? "Minho!" The voice yelled louder and I jolted awake and noticed that the whole time it was Jisung trying to wake me up.  He looked very concerned at me, I look down at myself to see I was hugging my legs up to my head and burried my face adn were my face was there were tear stains. Drip drip tears were dropping down on to my arms, the whole dream well memory came back out to me and I tucked my head back down into my knees. Jisung said nothing about my state nor did he touch me or anything, I was very thankful for his responce and I didnt need those pesky questions bombarding me.

He sat down right by me on the bed and looked at me with those huge brown eyes that are also starting to water. He seemed to understand me and said in a soft, comforting whisper, "is there anything that I can do to help you?" I frankly didnt trust my voice to speak for me, so I just leaned down onto his shoulder and leaned into his warth taking comfort in him. His soft bright orange hair brushed against me and it was the softest hair I have ever felt. Jisung did nothing and just let me lean onto him even though he is shorter then me I rested my head onto his shoulder. (Lol my girlfriend is shorter then me and I am the one who always usually leans onto her shoulder oof) It was just comfortable silence where I still was crying but not as hard as I was before. His presence was comforting enough and ever so slowly I was calming down until I stopped crying. But my breathing was still really heavy sounding. My eyes started to sting like they usually do.

Jisung shifted and turned his face to mine looking down at my brown hair and asked, "DO you want any water?" I slowly nodded now that I am thinking my throat was very sore and scratchy. I shook my head and he understood that I need some water. I didnt have enough energy to move or practially do anything I was so drained right now. Jisung gently lifted up my head from his shoulder and rested it gently on the pillow so I was comfortable. He left up and quietly- maybe to quietly- walked downstairs. I missed his comforting warmth and tried snuggling deeper into my blankets to warm me up more, but no avail. I heard the sound of the water turning on and then off and after a silent minute Jisung walked back into my room with a glass of water.

He sat on the edge of the bed and handed the water to me, I had enough energy to pick it up and drink a few gulps and the drink was really refreshing. I handed the now empty glass back to him and he took and and set the glass down on the nightstand right by my bed.

I was just missing his warmth to much, with the last on my energy I pulled him down right by me and I was half delirious at this time I snuggled up into him being the big spoon I was and fell asleep.

*Jisungs POV*

At Minhos action i felt like I was dying from blushing to hard. I was also really scared to see if Minho could feel my tail or if my beanie was messed up and would start showing me ears, but as I tried getting up the boy next to me tightened his arms so I wouldnt leave him.

After a while of laying doen and listening to the boy behind me snore I heard 2 sets of feet walking upstairs and I was met with Chan and Jeongin looking at the site before them. With minho snuggling into me, Chan I assumed took a picture of us together then left us with saying, "Aww there so cute the soon to be boyfriends."

Hi guys here is the second update yay!

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