Chapter 25 ( ending #1)

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I myself have decided i will write two endings one of fluff and one of angst. Yay. Also like Chungha is so beautiful and her lips like i love her lips.


Chan dragged me up to sit with the whole group and the whole group i mean Minho was there as well......

The rest of the boys surrounded me asking trivial questions like, "what happened," and " are you okay". I made no attempt to answer them and just bowed my head down and nibbled at the corner of a sandwich. Not just any sandwich, yes this one here was called a sadwich to reflect my mood.

Minho didnt even dare to give me a look and over all 100% uncomfortable atmosphere. I think some of the others caught the awkwardness between us and how we werwnt sitting next to eachother not even talking!

Lunch was a thing of some small talk and mostly silence. The other 6 boys wanted to break the silence, yet it was to thick for them to even try to.

After some time I just got up and left to go anywhere but there. Not like I had other friends to go to, so I just walk around in peaceful silence, well that was my goal. Some annoying and rude person decided to follow me snd try to talk to me.

"Jisung... Jisung..... Jisunggggg!" Minho shouts after me sprinting to catch up. He tries to grab my arm, but thank the gods for my quick reflexes, I was able to dodge him.

"Jisung please let me talk to you." He pleads to me and his eyes showing he sincerity.

"I dont want to talk to you Minho, please leave me alone."

"No no please just let me explain myself!"

"You're not gonna leave alone until you do correct?"

"Yep so let me just talk" I roll my eyes and just nod at him to talk.

"We may wanna go somewhere else to talk about this." He moves his head to show the crowd of people ready to start listening into our drama. I walk away giving him no warning.

We both run until we end up in a random classroom that no one was occupying. Sitting down in the nearest seat I cross on of my legs over the other and wave st Minho to start his story.

"So I know what I did was wrong and disgusting of me to say to you I promise I would support you then call you those names. I personally havent had good experiences with hybrids and hearing you are one I forgot of you as the kind person you are anf thought of you as a monster who will take the things I love." Of course he is stereotyping me this is the problem of people unless you are the normal, you are seen in groups that are set as one type and its disgusting.

"Anyways I think I should tell you my really only encounter with a hybrid that made me think you were them." He took a long breath and building his confidence he started. "My mom gave birth to me and well lets say I never met her in a sense. She left me for the adoption system. I dont know why. I was stuck in the foster care system for 6 years before I ended up in a house. These people were supposed to adopt me, they were really my mother and father. The day they told me I was now adopted was the day hell broke loose. May 18th, 2009. We were celebrating in the park and all felt good it was comforting. But then..... The hybrid came..... My mother died first, my father sacrificed himself for me to get into the car.... Into protection...." Minho looked into the distance with a far away gaze. His eyes filled with tears that would never spill for he has spilled to many.

"I was scared and reckless and im truly sorry, I know you wont forgive me now, but one day I hope we can be friends or maybe more depending if you still are okay with it."

"Minho what happened to your mother and father is sad. Really. But your problem is you thought I would hurt you which I would never. I except your apology but you sure as hell need to prove your word and that you wont hurt me or any other hybrid again and please dont stereotype me. " Minho smiled wide hearing that and it seemed he tried to hug me but me being the awkward fuck I am didnt realize and just did nothing. He just dropped his arms to the side still smiling.

"But....." I drawed out making him feek anxious probably, " you might as well hear my story. "

"So I lived a normal life. I used to live somewhere else, i had friends and I was a normal young boy. It was also May 18th, 2009. It was like late noon evening time. We were playing tag, but then we heard shouting from my friends Yuta house. All of our parents were inside. Now hearing your story I assumed they watched the news and hybrids were a tricky thing back then, like we were accepted but anything bad we did we would be illegal almost. which happened. So anyways we hear a gunshot. My dad is yelling and running outside and grabbing me trying to make us go home to pack our stuff and leave. I was so frantic I was asking about mom, but he just grabbed out emergency bags and we go in the care leaving everyone.

"4 years later we are in hiding. I go to school and meet Chan, Changbin, and Seungri. We were all best friends. I trusted them them and we were friends for over two years. Well me Chan and Changbin formed 3racha. Seungri didnt want to so it wad us three. One day I told them. Chan and Changbin were nice. Seungri on the other hand........ He betrayed me and my father. That night authorities came. It was a mess. My father tried to pull me away from them to let me run and a hope of a better future then jail or orphanage to abusive shits. But the police took this as a sign of aggression and shot him. I watched him die and they took me to people who hurt abuse and its been hell since. ..." I look down and by now i am over with the heartbreak, I just want some peace for once to be happy forever.

Minho wraps me in a hug and we both just sit there hugging eachother being emotional support for the others. Maybe one day it will be better and happier between us. Maybe.


8 years has passed, 8 wonderful years. Me and Minho today have been married for 4 of these years. My wish has been answered and im happy, happier then ever. Nothing could break....


The crash of broken glass fills the air. I sigh defeated as I walk over to the mess seeing Minho already picking up the pieces. I walk over to our daughter Yujin. She is 10 year old now and we adopted her two years ago. She has short hair and is tall for her age. Really a big clumsy kid if you ask me.

"Yujin." I look at her expectantly and she says, " im sorry dad I tripped and broke the vase. "

"Are you okay did anything cut you???"

" no i am fine! "

"Oh well clean yourself up the whole group is coming here tonight to watch you while we go on a date. And yes before you answer Seungyeon and siyeon will be here. Seungyeon is Jeongwoochans daughter and siyeon is Changlix daughter. Seungjin decided they dont want kids but a bunch of cats which I respect and its always fun to pet them all. They owned a huge cat farm with like 45+ cats and it was my dreams. (Hehhe puppyminks)

" okay yay!!!! " she shouts running off and we could hear her bump into the hallway into her room. Now for anyone asking yes 3racha is a real group now and we are one of the most populsr rap trio run by my company of 3peas. Sometimes we have guest appearances of the whole group in a song but we all arent a group. Honestly life is amazing and idk how jt can get any better.

Hybrids have been accepted by society now for 3 years and we are all allowed to free ourselfes and not where stuff hats and keep ourselves hidden. Minho was on the front lines helping restore peace and to allow us to be legal and if he wasnt the greatest i dont know who would beat him though.

"I cant wait for our date tonight babe," Minho back hugs me and kisses me on the cheek and I snuggle into his warmth. He pets my ears and welp he knows thats my weakness skdkks.

Woah yall im back akdkakkd i will write ending #2 in a bit lol but i hope you enjoy this chapter.


Favourite song rn?

Obsessed with Undercover by A.C.E like omfg they served byeongkwan singing killed me the wowsun moment like yas

Also mysterious by andie Case  like damnnnn girk its so good!

You're a Hybrid??? (SKZ Jisung X Minho) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now