Chapter 12

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a/n Hi hello everyone I am back! So like clcs comeback was amazing and Breakdown is my favorite side track but thankfully Yujin got some lines finally I was really happy with this comeback and must I say; Red Lips?'

*Chans POV*

I was leavinf Minhos house to get some dinner for us, Jeongin stayed back to help with Minho but I couldnt leave without a few complaints. I got into the store and after a second I decided I should call Changbin.




'Pick up your phone you little shit!'

A few more rings rang out in my ear and soon he answered, "What the fuck do you want Chan!"

"Oh wow no need to be pissed at me I actually have some good news for once."

"What do you mean?" 

"I found him!"

"Found who?" Omfg that little fucking idiot. How can he be so incredibly dense and stupid.


"You mean Minhos partner in Dance that he wont shut up about?" 

Chan sighed at how much of a dumbass Changbin is being right now.

"No you fucking idiot, J.One Jisung you remember!!!" 

I heard a gasp from the other side of the phone. "No it cant be true, I thought he left us forever."

"Well it is true but I fear for him society is now more ruthless to people like him!"

"Oh god I miss him so much though! We can protect him like old times." Changbin said.

"We can I just fear what our group will say....."

*The next day* *Minhos POV*

I felt much better, and I was really appreciative of Jisung and how much he helped me. Luckily it was dance and I could see the familiar beanie he was wearing while he walked into class ready to dance. 

I just kinda stood there and admired his features and I may have looked creepy but Jisung is just so.... Jisung. I dont know how to describe it but his orange hair is fading a bit into a lighter orange and his beanie was grey this time and he wore a long white shirt with his dark grey tyed around his waist. And with his baggy pants which tyed his whole look together. 

After I gazed okay maybe stared a bit longer I jogged over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He jumped and I took my hand off his shoulder and said, "Oh I am sorry for accidently scaring you" He turned around and replied with,

"Its cool," He didnt seem like he was gonna say anything else, sometimes he was sure a quiet and shy kid.

"Anyways thank you so much for helping me yesterday you really helped me." I say sincerly. 

He was stretching and looked up at me and said, "Its no problem, you also have really caring friends and thats a good thing....." He then mumbled something under his breath. 

"What did you mumble?" Jisung shakes his head and says "nothing,"

I dont press him further and we just spend the rest of the period talking about the dance and finish chreographing it and I was really proud with our work.

 "Hey Jisung, before you leave would you maybe like to join me and my friends at lunch? I have noticed you dont eat with anyone so yeah," I scratch the back of my head nervous.

He only smiled and replied with a quiet "sure," I gave him the biggest smile that I could muster, "Okay sweet we eat under the big tree in the front yard cant wait to see you." I wave good bye at him as I went to my next class.

*Lunch time* *jisungs POV*

I looked around trying to see if I can spot Minho to see where they sit. After a few minutes I saw Minho across the field walking to a huge group of people I assumed where his friends.

So I ran over to them and when Minho spotted me he pat the empty area by him and I sat there awkwardly looking at the other 7 boys.

"Okay so this is Jisung," Minho says dramactically waving his arms by me and then he pointed to each boy saying there names. "Okay this is Hyunjin and the person on his lap is his boyfriend Seungmin. Then we got Woojin, Changbin and the person in his lap is his boyfriend Felix, then you know Chan and Jeongin." As each boy names were called they waved and said Hi to me.

"So yeah," Woojin says, "Everyone here is gay dont hate us okay. 

I laugh why would I hate them. Hyunjin speaks up and says, "Why are you laughing dp you think we are disgusting?"

"No I am laughing because it is a funny coincidence because I am gay too."

They all were like Ohhhhh. And after I say that it went into some sort of silence then Changbin says, "Jisung I miss you a lot!!! Its amazing to have 3racha back!"

Okay here is your second short update!

You're a Hybrid??? (SKZ Jisung X Minho) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now