Chapter 23

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Hey yall an early update wanna know why? Beecause im so fucking sad right now like i cant explain. My girlfriend broke up with me......

anygays new update yay!

*Jisungs POV*

I woke up on the couch to a silent home. I forgot when i got here, wait how did i get here? Where am I? I look around disoriented I look to the walls and spot familiar frames. I try to stand up but thay was a mistake. I fall back on the couch once i stood up, my legs crumbling beneath me.

After i minute I try again. I was doing better able to stand without falling yay!! Now i just need to take slow steps foward to the wall to examine the photos hanging up.

Slowly I walked over to the frames. It all came back, I am at Chans house because I called him yesterday to help me. The photos though were recent. One was of Minho and I looking happy on group hang out. In our own world....... My heart skipped beats my breath shortened and I couldnt breathe. It was short busts of air, i stumbled back over to the couch clutching my head. I tried not breathing at all to stop it.

My hear ached for Minho, oh how i miss his comforting self. I wish I wasnt so foolish and told him, i should have known. Godamnit its all my fault. The tears didnt come for i have no tears left to cry. I physically couldnt produce another tear.

The ache of the hurt remembering Minho and his words. I thought he really loved me but that was a fucking lie. I wish he really did mean his words.

I remember all the times I was happy with him, the times we were happy together. Everything is a reminder of him. He has become a huge thing in my life he was my life link if I were to be honest. I trusted him, I needed him, he is what kept me alive sadly. Without him in my life I just dont know.

I wasnt going to face anyone today so I decided to not move off the couch. I sat there for hours just stsring blankly at the wall sometimes my breath hitched with random moments of anxiety.

I wish I could just die.

sorry for the short chapter!

You're a Hybrid??? (SKZ Jisung X Minho) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now