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Hey yall another update, :) I love sonamoo a lot!!! They have bops and well I need to stan them!
Also expect quite a few updates depending on what I am gonna do yk. Also like idk how have yall been? I personally have been feeling like trash and that I am not good enough for my friends or my girlfriend. And it doesnt help that I feel so alone almost all of the time and not a lot of people reply to me and the few that do all they do is shit about there lives and well I have good ones with a few but idk I just feel so distant and more I hate it.

Anyways enjoy this special Jeongwoochan chapter!!!!

*Woojins POV*

I dragged myself to finish the day even though I felt like shit, about half way through the day though I started feeling numb. It was going decent for the last part then before the end of the day in the last period I got texted in one of my group chats.

Hey Woojinnie would you like to come over to my
house after school with Channie?

Yeah you should it will be fun!!

Ugh fine.....

Really??? Omfg i thought it would be
harder to convince you!

Yeah well anyways we will drive in my car
i cant wait!!!


I lookd down at my phone seeing Minhos reply and i just looked snd Jeongin and we both nodded our heads our plan was in place.

*Woojins POV*
It was the end of the day and I was slowkt and stifly walking to my locker to see Chan and Jeongin waiting there and I couldnt help but smile at those two lovable dorks.

"Hey woojin hurry upp ahhhhh!!" Jeongin says and to just be an energetic, annoying asshole that he was when he had to much sugar. I look over at Chan and ask him, "So what kid of drugs did you give the kid?"

"He asked me for some coffee then gave me the puppy eyes and I couldnt resist." Awww omfg Jeongins puppy eyes were literally the cutest things ever. It melted my heart everytime.

Chan replied with a what?

"Oh did I say something?" I say trying to play it cool.

"Yeah I heard you mumble something but it wasnt easy to hear what you were saying." Jeongin ran back to us and he grabbed both of our arms and literally pulled us trying to get us to go faster. I must admit he had a lot of strength and you could see his defined muscles. I was really distracted while running along with him and Chan.

After a few, quick minutes we arrived at Jeongins house and he enthusiastically pulled us in side and I realized that no one else was home besides us. He dropped our arms rushing upstairs yelling, "Come on Channie and Woojinnie!!" AHhhhhhh it sounded so cute to hear him call us that and I looked over at Chan and he was also blushing. He looked so adorable with his red dusted face.

I decided to run up the stairs and I turned to Chan saying, "Come on Channieeee," I drawled out. For once I felt a semi burst of confidence and I winked at Chan. He seemed to grow even redder then what is was possible. I walked over to the room I assumed was Jeongins and i saw the cute boy laying down on his bed.

His room really fit his personality it was really bright and bubbly. The walls were a baby blue and on one wall there was pictures of all of us and so many pictures of Chan and Him being the adorable couple that they were. I got this weird feeling in my stomach I was jealous but also really im not sure but I wish I was there with the three of them in the couple photo.......

"Come wooie and sit on my bed with my! Chan ahhh hurry up and come here!!!" I did as Jeongin asked in sat in his bed. He sat across from me and soon Chan joined us and jeongin nuzzled his face into his neck. Jeongin seemed to say something and Chan nodded.

I didnt know they were scheming against me. they suddenly pounced on me and Jeongin held me down and Chan was tickling me like on my stomach and armpits and soon Jeongin joined the tickle fest and all i was do was try and contornt to try and not tickled. They were to relentless though so surrended to this torture fest and giggling.

"Hey woojin you have a really cute giggle!" Jeongin says after the tickles slow down and I catch my breath. I immediatly felt heat in my face and Chan while he was on top of me may I just add said, "You're also really cute when you blush..... but i mean your always cute who am i kidding?" I couldnt keep this up.

"Guys stopppp, you two are dating and you love eachother...." I say my voice fasding away knowing they would never accept me into there relationship....

They looked at eachother for a second then got off of me and i sat back up. They sat down by eahcother and the whole mood has changed from the light playful mood to this heavy awkward silence. *CAW CAW CAW*

Jeongin nudged Chan and he looked down and raised his shoulders and Jeongin just nodded. "So....." Chan begins, "Me and Jeongin have talked about it and we have mutual feelings for you. Woojin we both really really like you so much you are just like the missing third in a sense, neither of us would be here without you. Personally you have helped me so much and you can always make me smile. I love your funny quirky and almost mom like attitude to our other friends."

"Plus your really fun and outgoing and can we talk about your voice for a moment omg its so beautiful like even if you arent singing I just sometimes call you just to here your beautiful voice."  Jeongin says.

"So what we are saying is would you like to join our relationship and be our boyfriend?"

I was shocked I couldnt believe what was happening. I couldnt believe it..... Omfg omfg omfg omfg omfg omfg omfg omfg omfg omfg. No this cant be true it has to be a dream.

After a few seconds or actualy i dont know how long it was but Jeongin says, "So its a no," He seemed so sad my poor baby.

"Oh no no no I mean yes well no...." I was a mess. I took a deep breath and said, "Yes I would to be you twos boyfriend omfg I love you guys so much." They both smile widly and gave me a huge group hug. Chan pecked both of mine and Jeongin cheecks and both me and Jeongin did it to everyone back. It was really one of the best moments ever I am really thankful to have these two precious boys that I love in my life.

"We are thankful to have you too!" Jeongin says.

"Oh shit i said that out loud omg ahhhh" Chan just laughs at me and we all lay down and cuddle for the rest of the day and I wouldnt trade it for anything in the world.

Hey guys your shitty author is back and Is actually following her update schdule.

How did you guys like this update??

I honestly quite liked it and I love it.

So like friday I hung out with my girlfriend with our bff and wacthed love simon and this was the first time we kissed infront of someone else and like he totally ruined the moment he was like "OMG I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN A PICTURE" smh

You're a Hybrid??? (SKZ Jisung X Minho) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now