Chapter 11

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Hey yall your lazy author is back with another update. I really hope you all are enjoying my story!! Anyways CLC comeback is coming soon and I would like to say omfg they all look so amazing holy shit Seunghee is wrecking meeeee. Anyways fire Yujins stylist cause im not a fan of her bangs. Also Yeeun blonde??? Hell yah!! Also stan Favourite there comeback was lit and I loved it. Also support Cherry Bullets debut kinda reminded me of Bingle Bangle like in the mv but besides that it was amazing!!

*Jisungs POV*

I lay there shock at the relevation. 'Oh shit now they can blackmail me and then they could release my secret!' thoughts like this cloud my mind as I try to decide my next course of actions. 'I could just never go to school again, who would even notice? Probably no one because I come to peoples lives for a few weeks and all I do is wreck there lives. I am just t worthless and everything I do is pathetic. Every desperate plea, pathetic.

I slap myself out of these thoughts and quite literally. I put my hands down on Minhos arn my intentions being to untangle his arms that are currently around my waist. WIth the contact I felt how soft and warm his arms really are. Ignoring the wam feeling that made me feel sade I with almost little effort untangled his arms from around my waist and I sat up.

The first thing I felt standing up was how cold the room and everything was, and I was almost tempted to crawl back into Minhos arms and feel that beautiful warm feeling again. The second thing i felt was my vision becoming blurry as I got light headed. For a moment everything turned a darker shade and black spots danced in my vision.

After a second of slowly blinking those away I became adjusted, but I was still cold. I walk out of the neat room and into the bathroom not even bothering to turn on the lights for I know that it will hurt my eyes and brain even more. I check myself out in the mirror making sure I looked like a normal person. I looked about as normals as I can. I had a few night ago cut a ton of fur off my tail like usual so I can pass even better. Plus my beanie was still mostly on my head. I shut the door and took of my beanie revealing my bright orange hair and hiding in it was my weird squirrel ears that just looked odd and not natural. But I just made my ears go down again and put some hair over them and then put my beanie on again so I looked back to my regular old self yay.

I walked down the stairs trying to be as quiet as I can I grabbed my backpack from by the front door. I turn over to see the Jeongchan couple sleeping soundly on the couch cuddling against eachother. 'They really are an adorable couple!!' So not to disturb them I quietly tried to open the door. 

I cringe as the door squeaks but it didnt wake them up so thats good. As I was stepping out the door I hesitated in fully leaving. 'Maybe just maybe Chan will let me go home with him so I never have to go back tomy "home" again.' But that thought quickly leaves my mind as I thought of how much I wil be a burden to him and his family.

I shut the door and absent mindenly ran out pass the lawn and went the route that I hoped would lead me to my "home"

------Time Skip-----

I arrived to a house that sat by a dark alley, maybe on the front it seemed like a normal house but inside was no happy average house. I quietly tried to sneak in through the front door but it seems luck wasnt on my side as I heard a haunting voice say. "Hello Jisung your late," 

a/n Lmao sorry this update was so late anyways I will post another chapter today cause I feel like it! Anyways thank you all for supporting my trash of a story!

How are all your days going?

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