Chapter 18

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Miroh is a whole ass bop and like i wish Woojin and Seungmin got lines but i swear that isnt me being biased.... Anygays Chronosaurus was literally the best side track i fucking love it so much!

Side not: My chapters arent getting as many votes about 50% less than usual and im like what am i doing wrong??
Is there anything in my story i can fix? Any constructive critism is nice this is my first story so yeah

*Chans POV*

Everything felt off I knew today was a monumental day, or well not monumental but this day has importance to everyone. I didnt see Minho nor Jisung all day which is understandable.

At the end of the day i texted both and Jisung was the only one who responded;

Yeah im okay just sleeping for now im home alone so yay lol.

I didnt get a responces from Minho though and i fear the worse. I made a mental choice to check up on him afterschool,

"Hey Chan," Jeongin worriely rushed towards me seeing as my face was contorted to a deep stare at nothing, lost in thought.

"Minho wouldnt break his promise to us anyways its been 3 years and we have seen no behaviour to show that he would break it just calm down. We can check on him after school he is probably doing what he does best, sleeping." I nod at Jeongin reasoning and it was logical and common sense. Standing up with a huff and shake my body calming my nervous and Jeongins words seem true enough.

"Your correct we shall see afterschool though."

*Afterschool at Minhos house*

Knocking the door i expected to hear Minhos loud grunts and the heaviness of his foot steps but I heard nothing. I waited, a few moments later I hear his feet tapping the tile and I groan hearing he went to the bathroom?

Another minute passed and being the imaptient asshole I am i opened his door inviting myself in. I run up the stairs into the bathroom after hearing a dull drop, I tried not to think what I thought it will be. Running into the bathroom I see that my worst wishes were confirmed. My words got lost and it seemed my throat was closing the irony stench of blood filled my senses. I only came back to earth when Minhos face smiling demonically slumped into the tiles.

"Jeongin call an ambulances stat!" I scream with the loudest voice i could muster. I got down towards minho and in a panic I forgot what I am supposed to do so I was hopeless in this situation and i tried doing anything to stop the intense blood flow on his thighs. Ripping my shirt off from my body I applied pressure to Minhos wounds seeing the shirt immideatly turn a sahde of red and spreading along the shirt. 'Please they come quick'

After what felt like a dazed hour but was maybe 5 minutes some people which i presume are the paramedics flood into the room and one guy picked up Minho and rushed him downstair putting him on the bed thing. I chased after them to make sure they handled my best friend goo but some man pulled me trying to clear room for them, and probably to ask me some questions.

"So sir what is your name and what is that persons name?" He waves his hand to the direction Minho was.

"I am Bang Chan and that is my bestfriend Lee Minho." He wrote everything i said in the notebook and asked me if he had any close family and I just shooked my head in response.

He left me to go question Jeongin and I waited for him to leave so I turned to Jeongin then marched to my car, we drove silently and I dropped him to his house and left immediatly to go to the hospital to see how my friend is faring.

*Jisungs POV*

I laid in my bed missing the slammings of doors until he came up to my room busting my door open. "I have been calling your name for the past minute you fucking animal why havent you came to see why I needed you!?!" spit was flying out of his mouth from how furiously he was yelling at me.

"Im sorry I didnt hear you," Cowaring under the blankets adverting his gaze. He walked over to me yanking my chin in his hands to face him.

"Look! At! Me! When! I! Speak! To! You!" Each word he spoke he got louder and closer to me. Letting go of my chin i rubbed it and popping it back into place. Pinching his bridge of his nose he just is like, "You cant follow a simple order you fucking disgrace! You should be happy that I have kept you for all of these years you could be dead right now but nooooo I ask of you to do a few simple things such as follow my orders and to always do what i ask! But you cant even fucking follow these rules! You disgraceful slut I dont knopw why i keep you around." He advanced towards me with a creepy grin on his face, "I guess i am going to have to set you in your place." He grapped one of his ropes off the wall and ties me to the post with no setbacks. I have gaven up on life and resisting a long time ago.

One punch. Two punch. Three punches. they just kept coming and coming like normal. The more that the pucnhes come and mark my body with red marks that will tomorrow turn to dark bruises. I already had other bruises and scars litering my body whats a few more going to do to me. I was just his punching bag. After a while I tuned out to him yelling how worthless I am, how I didnt deserve to live and no one would like me, they may fake it but i am such an unlovable piece of trash that didnt belong on this world. All I was to him was his slave, that is why I havent died yet. I was the thing that he can release all of his pain.

I was so numb i didnt feel anything or could see anything cause the tears clouded my eyes and the stench of iron was filling my nostrils. I didnt realized that he stopped and grabbed something until I felt a hard whipping pain that lashed me and made me scream in pain. He lashed me and the thing hitting my skin made a loud noise and it hurt so much I couldnt process how much it was hurting. After maybe 5 more he leaves my room telling me how much of trash i was.

I dont think he wanted to kill me cause he untied me and left clsoing the door with a loud sound.

I weakly reached for my bag grabbing the bandages I have. I wrapped myself with them and tried to apply pressure but I began to get dizzy and feel really thirsty, i was actually desperate water I needed. My vision blurred on the edges and I fainted from what is most likely was blood loss.

Hi guys another angsty chapter oof sorry I hope yall enjoy it though!

You're a Hybrid??? (SKZ Jisung X Minho) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now