Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
The Morning After
Sarah Wilson
1005 Words

I tap my foot nervously, looking down. We've been driving for a few minutes and I'm not dead, tied up or drugged yet so I'm gonna say I kind of trust him? I look over at Chase as he starts talking "So, your life story?" I smile and laugh a bit "Use Siri." He shakes his head "Okay Miss Superstar, If I didn't recognize you Siri won't either." I smirk "Hey Siri, who's Sarah Wilson?" She starts talking and I let him listen, watching his facial expression change from cocky to shocked. Once my glorious introduction is over I put my phone down "Time for questions?" He shrugs and I look at him oddly "You're not even wondering why the hell I walked out on marrying Shawn Mendes?" He gasps in acknowledgment "Well yes, that part interests me. Go on." I take a deep breath and start explaining in to him, word for word. I try to read his face while I speak but I just can't. Is he mad at me? Is he disappointed? Is he confused? I don't know! My internal debate continues but my actual spoken words come to an end. There, he knows it all! Every bit about why I'm the worst person ever. I wait, and wait, and wait some more for his response but I get none "You're not gonna yell at me about breaking promises? Or some other deep stuff? Say something!" He nods and waves me away with his hand "Okay, so you messed up. Your life isn't gonna be the same anymore. The media will get to this, if they haven't already, and your opportunities will be narrowed. Keep practicing medicine though, it'll keep you sane. I'd stick to event paramedicine if I were you but whatever. Your dating life will be, odd, to say the least. As you said, you'll probably end up with the freaky and flawed. Don't worry though, you'll still be happy. You guys will cancel each other out. Do whatever you guys want to do. Live life as well as you can, you'll turn out okay." He rambles it all calmly with an unfazed expression on his face. I take my time to process everything he's said. He's, weirdly, right. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and nod at him "Thank you.. hearing that really calmed me down. Where'd you get all that wisdom from?" He smiled "I was in your place many years ago, and I'm still alive, aren't I?" I laugh genuinely for the first time "I really hope so."


The rest of the ride continued in silence, excluding a few brief conversations. I ended up managing to take off my wedding dress, I was way too hot in it. Don't worry though, I had a tank top and shorts under it. We were nearing Toronto now and my worry was starting to creep back up. Chase was entertained listening to the radio and driving so I tried to keep it to myself. I was subtle, it's not like he'd see me fidgeting. Nothing was as clear as it was earlier. My reason, my future, everything. It just muddled now, a feeling that was scaring me more and more, minute by minute. I close my eyes, not needing to process anything other than my thoughts. Just my luck though, that peace doesn't last long "Stop hyperventilating will you? You'll smack your head on the window when you pass out and this is a new car. Thank you." I open my eyes and glare at him, muttering "Really empathetic, thanks." He chuckles and I go back to ignoring the world but still not trying to leave it at the same time. I lull myself to sleep eventually, grateful for the escape at first. Until it got dark. Nightmares, great. I pictured everything I had done wrong getting revenge, violently at that. It lasted for ever until the sudden braking of the car at a red light woke me up. I decided from that point on to never close my eyes again. I look up and see the Toronto Pearson Airport right in front of me. I decide to myself that I'm gonna fly back to Los Angeles. I have an apartment, I have space to live my life without him. I look over to Chase, he's still unbothered "Where are you flying to?" He jumps a little from my raised voice, I'm nervous okay? "I'm flying to Australia. You going anywhere?" I frown slightly, knowing I'll probably never see him again "Yeah, uh.. I'm gonna try and get a flight to LA." He shakes his head and bites his lip for a second "Please tell me you're not doing the "have a new life in LA" thing?" I laugh softly "Nope, I've lived there all my life." He breathes a sigh of relief as he parks by the airport. I step out and look at my wedding dress pathetically. I drag it out and put it over my shoulder "Do you have a lighter or something?" He nods and throws me a small lighter "Burning the dress?" I smile and nod "Hell yeah!" I run over to an unused runway and set the bunch of white tulle down, taking a deep breath and holding the flame to the edge. It takes a few seconds before catching fire but once it does, it's beautiful. I feel a hand on my shoulder and don't bother to look, knowing it's Chase. He hands my a piece of paper with his number written on it. I smile and clutch it in my fist "Thank you. I'll definitely talk to you after today, you're too amazing." He smiles brightly at that comment "I've got to get going, take it easy." I nod and wave him off, sitting down in front of my burning dress. How am I gonna do this?

A/N: Thanks for reading and remember to vote and comment! ❤️

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