Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
The Morning After
Shawn Mendes
605 Words

The chill from the exterior storm has started to settle in my appartement. I put on my hoodie, turn on the heating and feel much more comfortable to start my day. I sit at my desk, scrolling through my tagged on Instagram. My fans are so insanely talented, it blows my mind. Whether its video edits of me, ideas for tour or merch. I know my management doesn't like it when I go on a following spree because it'll be unfair to those I miss but I can't help it.

~ Sarah POV

The night is so dark and my vision is so blurred, I can't tell the difference between a normal car and a taxi. I don't know what direction my home is in, I'm lost. I feel for my phone in my pockets and pull it out. Shakily, I press down on my home button to unlock my phone. Thank god I remembered that exists at least. I stare at my home screen for a few long seconds, trying to decipher what app is the call one. I take a lucky guess and open a vaguely green app, pressing on the first thing I see. My phone starts ringing and I hold it up to my ear. I did it! Someone's gonna help me!

~ Shawn POV
like a few peoples posts when my phone vibrates. Someone's calling me. She's calling me. Do I answer? What do I tell her? Why is she calling me? Is she okay? With that last doubt in my mind, I answer the call and set my phone down on my desk, putting her on speaker. "Uh, um, I nnneed h-help, whoever this is.." She slurs and my heart drops. She's wasted, not just tipsy. I clear my throat "Where are you? Are you safe?" She talks again, with more, anger? "I'm outside! There was this man, t-this dummy, he thought he could mess with me! I said nuh uh and left and now I don't know where to go!" As much as I tried to fight it, I get angry. Why did she let herself drink so much? Why did that guy try to take advantage of her? Why is no one else helping her? I growl lowly "Where are you? Give me your address." She pauses, either from surprise because of my tone or she really had no idea where she is "I'm in Los Angeles.. it's, it's the closest club to my house, i mean my apartment thing. I, i don't know the name." I take a deep breath and open my laptop, looking up clubs near her address. Based of what she told me, I think I've found it "Okay, I'll text you the address of where you are. Do you think you could use that to order a cab?" She answers immediately "Yeah! I can do this. Uh, thank you." I mumble a goodbye and end the call, texting her the information. Worst part about all of this is that in a few days, I fly to Los Angeles to record my album. I hope to god I don't see her, I really do. Not because I resent her, even though I do, but because if I see her again I might as well fall back in love. I've tried to move on, I really did, but everything reminds me of her. I just can't do it.

A/N: Sorry for the short update! School and personal issues have been keeping me extremely busy. Thank you for reading and remember to vote and comment! ❤️

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