Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
The Morning After
Sarah Wilson
758 Words

Before I even open my eyes, regret washes over me in powerful waves. I feel sick to my stomach. I should've never gotten so drunk. I'm alive, which is something, but there's still a lot of room for error. I reluctantly run my hand down my side and I feel nothing. What the hell was I thinking? For all I know, I have all sorts of diseases now. Ugh, this is officially my midlife crisis. Crap, I gotta get dressed and get out of here. While I rush to put on my clothes, I piece together the events of last night. I went out, got drunk, and hooked up with a stranger. Pretty straight forward. They don't know me, I don't know them. Innocent fun, right? I get up carefully and take my phone and wallet off the nightstand. I sit and take in the absolute silence for a few minutes. I can't just walk away like that, that would make me one hell of a jerk. A note would help soften the blow right? I grab a random pen and tear a piece of paper from an off white notebook. It takes me a few tries to figure out what I'm gonna say but I get my message across in the end "Sorry for leaving so abruptly. I'm sure you're great, I wanna get to know you, but I gotta go. Hope you have a good.. breakfast." I set the pen back down and walk silently to the door. I barely glance back at him before leaving, only seeing a slim beam of sunlight caressing his features.

~ Shawn Mendes P.O.V

The room is dimly light, only enough to illuminate the beautiful woman sitting in front of me. We've crossed into the late hours of the night, but I don't care. I can't quite recognize her, but she feels like home to me. We're talking for hours on end and I really believe there's something between us. It's the connection I've been looking for, for a while. Her smile captivates my mind, I can barely focus on what she's saying. Whoever this girl is, she's where she wants to be in life. She's meant for me. Silence falls over us for a few brisk moments but it doesn't seem to bother either of us. I ask her what she wants to do now and she answers without the slightest hesitation  "I wanna get to know ya." I smile at her and we share our life stories with each other. The details fly over my head, all I know is that she's incredible. We lay beside each other and I stare up at the ceiling. A pit forms at the bottom of my stoa can, wondering if this is just a one time thing. My voice wavers as I ask her if she wants to leave yet. To much if my relief, she answers "I'm staying over, what sounds good for breakfast?" I grin, blink once, and she's gone. I can't even describe what just went through my mind. Maybe grief? It was just a dream, but it felt so real. It felt perfect to me. Maybe I just zoned out, right? I look beside me and there really is no one. But, I went out last night? And I danced, we danced. I sit up and visually search my place. There's legitimately no one. Not even the slightest suggestion of a footstep. While I reach over to get my phone, I see a small piece of paper on my night table. My hands shake as I make sense of the words beautifully printed. "Sorry for leaving so abruptly. I'm sure you're great, I wanna get to know you, but I gotta go. Hope you have a good.. breakfast." So, she was real, but I was still definitely dreaming. She wanted to get to know me in my dream.. She wanted to have breakfast in my dream.. And now it's written out on paper by a person. She did isn't even leave her number. The cold air settles in my bones as I fall back onto my bed. All that's left to say I guess is why? How did you walk away? How did you make me believe there was something between you and me? Why'd you get my hopes up? Where were you in the morning, baby?

A/N: Sorry about the short chapter, much more is about to come! Thanks for reading and remember to vote and comment! ❤️

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