Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
The Morning After
Sarah Wilson
957 Words

I wake up slowly, opening my eyes only to see a thin slice of sunlight shining in from between my curtains. I squirt as a splitting headache is brought to my attention. What the hell did I do last night? I pat my hands down my body and I'm still completely dressed which gets the worst case scenario out of the way. No ones beside me or in the apartment either, thank god. I fell around on my bedside table for Advil, finding two and taking them. I lay still in my bed for a few more minutes, waiting for them to kick in. Once I feel more stable, I sit up and take my phone off the nightstand. I say a prayer to myself while I unlock, begging that I don't find anything I'll regret from last night. I check my messages and his name is right there, almost bouncing out at me. How the hell did that happen? I was over him! I was better. I am better. Why, of all people, him? I open up the chat and it's the address of the club and then my address. I was expecting a late night sob story with my ex, not a stalker-ish series of texts.. I shake my head and go through my social media. There's no trace of regrettable decisions on those so I guess it wasn't too bad of a night. One more thing to check, the voicemail that I've been avoiding thinking about since I saw it. My hands shake as I open up the app and type in my password. A voice I recognize too well starts talking "Uhm, Hey, Sarah. You were really drunk last night and you called me. I tried to help you back home but I don't know if you got there safe. I hope you did. I'll see yo- oh uh never mind. Bye." I set my phone down and I take a shaky breath. There's probably other things I should be worrying about right now but, if I'm not crazy, I heard I'll see you soon. What the hell is he talking about? I'm hundreds of miles away from him and I'd bet he hates me with all his heart. Maybe it was a mistake, you know how you sometimes say I love you when you end a phone call.. Even if you don't love the person. That's that, he made a mistake and I will probably never see him again other than through my phone screen when he posts on Instagram. Suddenly, an unknown number calls me. I answer, fidgeting with my fingers in my lap. "Good morning Sarah, I'm sorry that this is last minute but we need a medic for our show tonight. It's John Mayer, you should know him. Anyways, now would be a good time to tell you, you got the job!" I smile from ear to ear "Thank you, if you could send me the details of the event I would be more than happy to come. I'll see you later today." The coordinator ends the call and I jump up, doing my obligatory happy dance. I got the job! Not even a week back in Los Angeles and I am living my best life. Maybe all that's happened was for the better. I'm doing okay and I hope Shawn is too. The adrenaline coursing through my blood has cured me of my hangover, and probably the Advil too, and I am ready to go. I get dressed casually but I make a mental note that I'll have to change before work. I feel my phone vibrate as I get an email from the coordinator. I'll have to be at the venue in a few hours which is no problem. I'm glad John Mayer is my first show because he's pretty chill so we won't have any outrageous mosh pit injuries. Wow, the universe really has it going for me today. In a good way, of course. I slip on my shoes and leave my appartement. I don't really have anywhere in mind but I'm sure I'll find something to do while I walk around the city. Just a few streets down from my house there's a cat cafe. I know cats usually aren't my go to pet but I could do with some caffeine and who doesn't need some kitty love every once and a while? I order my latte and I get matched with Mary. She's a beautiful white cat with piercing blue eyes. She's sitting on my lap, making muffins with my thigh. And for now, I'm pretty damn happy.


The time has rolled around and I find myself setting up barricades in the venue. This is pretty light work compared to what I did on tour. I'm debating if I should even wear my grab bag. I'm sure if whatever happens I'll be able to bring the person to first aid. I put the last barricade down and then I hear my name getting called "Hey Sarah, can you come backstage? We need help setting up the mic." I yell back that I'm coming and run, well jog backstage. The lights are all dim which is odd. I run into John Mayer and he stops me "Could you go talk to my sound technician? He's in the green room." I nod and walk to the room where a tall man is leaning down with his back to be. "Hello sir, I'm Sarah. I hear you needed some help?" He answers without turning around "Hey Sarah, it's nice to meet you. I'm Shawn Mendes."

A/N: Thanks for reading and remember to vote and comment! ❤️

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