Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
The Morning After
Sarah Wilson
937 Words

It took until my dress was completely burnt, only hot ash left to cherish, that my mind slowed down. Chase's suggestion are the only structure in my life right now, as weak as the structure may be. I can definitely find myself a job in event paramedicine. I have experience and my recognition will probably draw more attention to the event. More attention means more money so I'll be grabbed right and left by venues around the country. I guess I kind of understand what being in the public eye so I think I'll have an appeal to the performers. Not the big and famous, that would be a disaster. The tabloids can step aside from my life for a bit. I'm talking about the quirky but somehow attractive, low scale acts. People show up for a reason, even if it's the wrong ones. A flying ember lands on my thigh and I take it as a reminder that I can't stay here. I have no home, except for Los Angeles. I get up and walk hesitantly back to the airport, navigating through excited tourists and exhausted travelers to the airline desks. I present myself to the first one I see, asking what flight I could get. I hand my card over and get a boarding pass in return. I roam through the terminals as my flight isn't until later this evening. I avoid buying any souvenirs. I know that I'll appreciate having the least memories of this place, or at least how I got here. With that being said, there isn't much else here other than souvenirs. I manage to find an arcade filled with all types of people. Couples, kids, and regular adults like me. I hand in a few bills I have for quarters and walk around. I try my hand at a few games but I can't say I'm much better than average. The 8 year olds in here would beat me by a clear mark. As I walk around, glancing at all the games being played, I feel my phone vibrate. I take it out and see my mom calling so I answer swiftly. "Hey sweetie! How's my baby doing?" I know what she's referencing to and my heart drops a bit "I'm okay, I'm flying back to Los Angeles in a few hours so it'll be nice to be back home I guess." I hear her voice perk up when I say I'm coming back "That's great! You can stay at my house or yours, what ever you're happier with. That's all I gotta say, I just wanted to check in with you. Love you!" She spills out. Before I get the chance to say I love you back she hangs up and I slump against the wall. I can't keep doing this. Falling back down at the slightest reference of him. Actually, I won't keep doing this. I have until my flight lands in LA to be as miserable and heartbroken as I want but then I cannot even flinch at the idea of him. He will be a stranger to me once more. He will be a stranger to me until I go down.


The hours painstakingly pass. At each news stand there's a least one news paper about how him and I are on our "honeymoon." I think it's safe to assume no one spoke of what happened. It's a white lie I guess. They're better off not knowing, but they will. Soon at that. To add insult to injury, his songs keep getting played throughout the airport. It hurts because it's the songs he wrote for me. Now all those songs are tainted because he can't sing them truthfully anymore. I keep reminding myself that none of those words will cross my mind once I land. I play with the pendant on my necklace to distract myself. Isn't helping though because it's the rose necklace he gave me when he asked me out. The universe is just really kicking me in the butt, eh? I stare at the intricately carved rose in my hand, telling myself it's just jewelry. Over and over again. I say it until I believe it. I look back down at it one last time and it looks just like jewelry to me. I let it fall back on my chest as I smile genuinely. Now, this all seems possible. The boarding for my flight starts and I get on with a little bounce in my step. The interior of the plan is a bit odd to me, only because I got so used to his private jet. They're both just planes so I know I'll be fine. I get settled in my seat with only my phone and my wallet. No one has recognized me, probably because they don't expect me to be anywhere except for my honeymoon location. I debate texting Andrew or Geoff, asking who's gonna let the news out and when. I'd let his PR team deal with it but thanks to me, myself, and I, that's not possible. I take advantage of the wifi connection I have now and send Andrew a cold faced message "Hello, I'd like to know when we are going to inform the public of what happened. Or who. Whichever it is, let me know. Thanks, Sarah." I know it won't send any mixed signals if he falls upon the text. I shut off my phone and close my eyes. Here's to forgetting everything..

A/N: Thanks for reading and remember to vote and comment! ❤️

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