Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
The Morning After
Shawn Mendes
817 Words

I scroll through my feed and see an overwhelmingly positive response. The song is topping the charts across the world. Seeing people giving something to me, whether it's a comment, people buying the song or just streaming it on something free, it's giving me a high like I've never experienced before. I want more of it, I can't really explain it. My eyes settle on one specific post. It's from her. It's the most beautiful picture, the view from an airplane window. I keep scrolling and start reading the caption. She worded everything so perfectly.. She made her message so clear. She moved on. She kept mentioning everything being "mutual" but I can't agree. If I moved on too, why would I write this music? Who would inspire me? All the work I did would mean close to nothing. And that's why I'm not moving on. It's pointless to forget then be reminded, breaking hearts in the process. I just can't do that. What I can do though is make as much music as I can, make as much money as I can and it'll all be because of her, it'll all be for me. Who has time for relationships and feelings when you're living in a mansion, making songs that break records. I sure as hell don't. The more I affirm my future to myself, the more the high increases. I don't know what it is but I love it. I look around the studio to see Andrew looking at me oddly. I guess he's never seen me this driven, this passionate. A few other people from my team are doing the same as him. I smirk it myself and keep my eyes on the screen displaying "Song Revenue" It has a nice ring to it doesn't it? Some of my team is as focused as I am on it, they know just as well that they'll be taking home some of it. It's getting quite late and I had a long day to say the least. I transfer some of the data tracking to my phone so I can keep an eye on how the song is doing while I'm home. I get up quickly and go around the room, thanking everyone and telling them that I'm going home. Andrew sends me off with a subtle look of concern but I brush it off as I push through the doors. It's well past midnight so I don't bother trying to hide. I walk back to my place with confidence in my every step. The night is cold, but that's typical for Canada. No need to think anymore of it. Before the chill gets to me I walk into the apartment complex. I let myself in with my card since the security guards don't do nights. The elevator ride up is quite long, I'm guessing it's just because of my anticipation. Anticipation to get in my bed. As much as I feel amazing the work I do is still pretty demanding. I unlock my door and hurriedly take off my jacket before laying on my bed. The giant windows alongside it give me an invigorating view of the busy Toronto skyline. I line it up with the tattoo on my arm and sigh to myself. Home sweet home. I fall asleep slowly without the high ever fading away.


Sunlight spilling into the room wakes me up gently. I sit up and stretch, grabbing my phone off my night table. I have a few texts but I go straight to the tracking information. The song is doing incredibly. What a nice way to start my day, eh? Even my harshest critics are being generous with their reviews. Believe me, that never happens. I follow my typical, non-tour morning routine and freshen up in the shower. The water trails down my skin while I hum the rhythm to Lost in Japan. I stand in the comforting heat for another few minutes before stepping out. I take my time with my hair and get dressed into my typical outfit. Black jeans and a button up. I leave my phone in my room and walk to my kitchen, leaning on the counter. I make myself a light breakfast and sit alone to eat it. The silence in the room only amplifies my thoughts. Half are random and half are about her. I shrug it off, or at least I tried to, and finish eating. I put everything away and sit at my desk. I call Andrew and get details about how the song is doing and nothing has changed since last night. Not even the high I'm feeling. I work on new lyrics, using all my inspiration. As the day goes on, one thing stays on my mind: her.

A/N: Thanks for reading and remember to vote and comment! ❤️

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