Chapter 22

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Chapter 22
The Morning After
Sarah Wilson
895 Words

Almost by instinct, Shawn grabs a pillow at hits me back just as I get him with mine. We go on back and forth, climbing up and off the bed, hiding in corners, he even used two pillows! I think that's an unfair advantage but I let it slide because I love him so much. We both stand up on the bed and freeze for a few moments. I swing at him but he catches the pillow and pushes back, making me fall flat on my back. I try to get up but he leans down, pushing my shoulders down as well. I smile at him, admiring his beautiful hair. He laughs softly and kisses me softly "For as long as I have you in my arms, I feel like I've winter lottery. So, coincidentally, I win this pillow fight. I'm about to call out in protest bug he kisses me to shut me up. I can't even be mad at him now. He rolls over beside me and I turn to face him, cuddling into his side. He puts his arm around me and gently kisses my forehead "I love you, Sarah." I smile brightly up at him, "I love you too." He smiles ever so sweetly and leans his head back and closes his eyes. It's not long before he falls asleep and I eventually fall asleep too.


I wake up to a gentle kiss on my cheek. I slowly open my eyes and of course, see Shawn smiling. I sit up and stretch "Good morning Shawn.." He laughs softly "Good morning, your mom made us breakfast downstairs. You gonna come?" I nod "I'll meet you down there in a minute." He nods and leaves the room. I get up slowly, walking to my bathroom and splashing some cold water in my face. I quickly brush my hair and head downstairs. I see him chatting with my mom and I smile, sitting beside him. We eat breakfast and talk about all sorts of things. Once we're done eating I help my mom clean up and decide to head back to my house. I say my goodbyes to my mom, and so does Shawn, and we head outside. I curse myself for a moment for not having brought my car but we start walking back anyways. We don't talk until we're a few blocks away from my house "Her Sarah, I know that the past few days have been crazy for both of us but I really want you to come back to Canada with me. I think you deserve a second chance with my family, a proper introduction." I look and him and fidget nervously with my fingers before answering him "Are you sure they want to see me? I did put you and your family through a lot of pain, which I'm still incredibly sorry for." He shakes his head and squeezes my hand comfortingly "Of course they do, I've talked it over with them before. Anyways, it'll be your chance to tell them your side of the story." We come up to my house and I unlock the door, letting him in "Okay, I'll go with you. When you do fly back?" He grabs a snack from the kitchen "Tonight, I'm in the studio pretty much all day then we leave. You've got stuff to do while I'm working right?" I nod "Some festival, not too hard of work. I'll keep in touch though." He smiles and goes to sit on the couch "Well then, lay with me and we'll watch some TV before we have to go." And so we did exactly that for an hour or so, drifting asleep every now and then. I get a text from my boss saying that I should start heading over so I get up and run upstairs to get changed. Shawn takes that as his cue to get ready too. I kiss him goodbye and we part ways to our respective jobs. The first aid booth is pretty much deserted except for some cuts and scrapes but I still get to listen to some good music. I think of Shawn, and all the festivals he's performed at and will continue to perform at in the future, it's just so incredible to me. I messed up, badly, but I really do love him. The rest of the day flies by in no time and I head back to my place quickly, just to pack a suitcase. I meet Shawn at the airport and he tells me we're flying private, in the most sarcastically stuck up voice possible. I sit across from him in the plane, sipping champagne. By the time we get to Pickering it'll be late at night so there's really no need to be sober. Shawn decided that he doesn't want to drink, which is fine too. I catch up with Andrew and the rest of the team and then I just talk with Shawn until we land. I get off the plane, just after Shawn and see his family waiting. My heart drops, but something inside me is telling me that this is the beginning of something beautiful.

A/N: Sorry for the very late update, I've been quite sick. Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment! ❤️

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