Chapter 24

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Chapter 24
The Morning After
Sarah Wilson
904 Words

I wake up to the sun shining on my face and the sweet sounds of birds singing outside. I look up and see Shawn smiling back down at me "Good morning princess," I laugh slightly "Good morning prince Mendes." He grins at me and sits up, stretching. Damn, what a sight for sore eyes he is. My thoughts are interrupted when he says "Take a picture, it lasts longer." My cheeks flush red and I push his shoulder jokingly, getting up myself. I look around his room, at all his fan art, song lyrics and old guitars. He stands behind me, setting his head on my shoulder "So Sarah, how about we go out for breakfast?" I turn around "That sounds lovely." He nods and goes to change, and I do the same. In no time, we're walking out his house. We hold hands while we stroll through his hometown. We woke up quite early, so he takes the time to retell his childhood memories and the significance of certain buildings, parks and homes. It amazes me, how we grew all up to be the people we are now. We eventually make it to a sweet-smelling and homey café. Shawn orders our breakfast while I save us a place by the window. He comes back with muffins, fresh fruit and two lattes "Sorry, I don't know your breakfast preference so I went with this." I smile as he sits down "It's perfect." He smiles "So, I'll be out most of the afternoon and evening, I'm meeting with my team and then we're hitting the studio. Are you okay to stay with Aaliyah while I'm gone? I know she'd love to spend time with you." I swallow what I was eating "Absolutely! We're gonna have lots of fun. Good fun though, I would never get your sister in trouble." He looks up at me "Sarah-" "I promise." He laughs a little and we continue eating our breakfast. Soon enough, we finish up and start our walk back home. We take a new path, which comes with more memories. It feels so nice to be here with Shawn, in his hometown, learning so many new things about him. Time flies by and we get to his house. Not long after, he leaves and I head upstairs to see Aaliyah. I knock on her door lightly, as I know when I was a teenager I despised people who didn't knock. She calls out "Come in!" I walk in and she turns around, a smile illuminating her face. I sit on the bed beside her and she starts talking "I'm so glad you're here now! I can talk about girl stuff without Shawn or Dad getting grossed out, or Mom getting mad." I laugh softly "What girl stuff do you want to talk about?" She blushes lightly "Well.. I have a boyfriend and I'm not sure how to break the news to everyone. I don't want to make it a big deal, but I want them to take our relationship seriously, you know?" I nod as she speaks, and sit in thought for a moment "That's exciting! I remember my first relationship. I can't promise you perfect results, but I'd take your parents out to dinner. Food make just about anything easier, and they can't quite loose their minds in public. They'll probably appreciate that you took into consideration how to tell them. As for literally telling them, I wouldn't worry to much. You won't get further than 'I have a boyfriend' before they ask you tons of questions." Relief washes over her face "Thanks! Aha yeah, first relationships. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you so much for your advice! What about you? How's you and Shawn doing?" I smile "It's going well, we still have stuff to work through, obviously. I'm so incredibly lucky that he gave me a second chance. I can't wait for how our future unfolds." She starts laughing "You sound like you're head over heels for my brother. Like, crazy in love. But, I can tell you he feels the same way. It really bothered him while you guys were apart. If he ever hurts you, let me know. It'll be sibling rivalry on a whole other level." We continue to talk back and forth about our lives, I tell her a bit about my medical school experience, she tells me about what high school/college is like now. We relate on so many levels, yet our lives are drastically different. Our conversation is interrupted by her Mom calling us down for dinner. We head down, and my heart speeds up a little bit. I still worry about impressing them, and I hope eventually I'll let that pressure go. We eat some delicious spaghetti and garlic bread. Our conversation was light, and it felt familiar. They made me feel like I wasn't out of place. I go upstairs and brush my teeth, and then I get a text from Shawn "Meet me at Oakland Park in 15min. Wear whatever you'd like. I love you."

A/N: I am terribly sorry for the late update, I've been handling another project and school and it's hard to make time to write. The next chapter will be the last one, and there will be an epilogue. Thank you guys for your continued support.

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