Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
The Morning After
Sarah Wilson
886 Words

I step out onto the sidewalk as the chill of the air caresses my exposed skin. I walk down to a lowly illuminated bench and wait for my Uber to arrive. In all honesty, the club isn't far. Only thing is though, it's not the safest option to walk alone at night in LA. Especially not looking like I do, even if it could happen regardless. A few minutes pass by a a sleek black car stops in front of me. I walk up and ask who they're picking up and they answer me. I get in the passenger side and clench my hands nervously. Small talk doesn't even cross my mind since it's five minutes at most. The driver doesn't mind as he hasn't taken his eyes of the road even the slightest bit. I don't mind because if he did I could very well find myself in a car accident. I see the brightly light signage of the club and the car slows to a stop. I step out and take a second to rate them five starts and pay them. Every step I take towards the brawny bouncer makes my heart beat faster and faster. I can't tell if it's from regret or excitement as I hand my ID to the towering man. The door opens in front of me and I take a deep breath of the heavy and hot air. I walk towards the obscure bar and take in my surroundings. People are dancing, people are kissing, people are alone, people are coupled. You guys can guess what category I fall into. I take a seat on the tall bar stools and the bartender walks up to me after serving someone else. "What can I get this lovely lady on a lovely night like this?" I quickly look around the club then back at the necklace resting on my chest "The strongest drink you've got."


The haze from the alcohol intensifies until everything blurs into a good decision. The music seems more captivating than before and the colourful flashing lights attract me more than ever. I walk to the center of the dance floor and sway to the rhythm until someone turns me around gently and holds my shoulders. Their features seem so much more.. perfect. His hands follow my arms down until they reach my hands. They lead me closer to the speakers and I don't protest. "Dance with me?" Their hypnotic voice entreats me. I nod and our mouvements sync, then we get closer, the music changes and we move slower then faster. We never touched more than each other's hands but I couldn't think of anything more than going further. I just took a shot that the bartender handed to me mindlessly and the inhibitions recede further and further back. Noticing that my coordination is faltering, the stranger pulled me to a seat in a quiet far corner. "So, tell me why?" They ask me, looking directly in my eyes in such a way that my heart stops momentarily. "Uh, I'm, what do you mean?" They laughs lowly and I'm surprised at how insulting it seems to me. "Baby girl, we all know you aren't wasted like this for no reason. Why?" I grin that he explained it, my mind firing ideas. I clear my throat and try my best to speak clearly "I want to forget. Actually, I've forgotten. I just want to make sure there's no way my memory can be sparked again. Why are you here? Are you wasted?" They smile at my flight of though "I'm here to make sure pretty girls like you get what they need. No sweetie, I'm as sober as they get." I look at them confusedly "My name is Sarah, s-a-r-a-h, who the heckle is," I hiccup and they grin ",baby girl and sweetie! I wanna talk to 'em." They laugh at me "They're compliments, Sarah." I repeat what they said in a mocking voice and they shift in his seat "Don't you get feisty with me Missy." I clear my throat "Sarah, Missy." They narrow their eyes at me "I think it's missy." I get more and more heated, not caring in my state of intoxication "Call me by my freaking name! I don't even know yours!" They stand aback at my sudden aggression and walk to the side of me, staring me down. I only now take in their height, their size. I'm minuscule in comparison. My confidence falters but the vodka makes up for it "You heard me right, mister!" I stand up to try to make my point clearer but stumble slightly. They shake their heads at me "What's the point of arguing with someone as drunk as you? I'd rather talk to a brick wall!" I glare at them and step back further "Then go talk to a brick wall!" They laugh and walk away from me "Will do, Missy." I storm off to the exit and push through the heavy metal doors to the chilling night. The world seems to be spinning as quickly as my mind. I can't help but feel regret mask the euphoria of the night.

A/N: Thanks for reading and remember to vote and comment! ❤️

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