Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
The Morning After
Shawn Mendes
941 Words

I sit down beside Sarah, across from her mother. I'm insanely nervous. "We need to talk." Is never, ever good news. I hold Sarah's hand under the table and I know she's anxious too. We both look up at her mother and wait for her to talk "So, are you guys scared yet?" We both look at each other and nod hesitantly, looking back at her mother "Well.. I was kidding! I'm so happy to see the both of you happy again. I don't need any explanations, I'm just glad you guys worked it out. Anyways, what are you guys here for?" We both let out a sigh of relief and smile at each other, I let Sarah talk "Thanks for the heart attack, Mom. I've been showing Shawn all the places I went to when I was little here and I figured this was the most important place to stop by." Sarah's mom leaves the table without saying a word, only giving us the slight suggestion of a smile. I mouth "Did we do something wrong?" to Sarah and she shrugs. I tighten my hold on her hand while her mom comes back, holding a large box in her arms. I offer my help but she waves me off, setting it on the table. She opens it and sets a few albums on the table "I know we've skimmed over these before, but Sarah messed up, so it's my duty as her mom to embarrass her by showing you her baby picture. You don't mind?" I laugh softly "No, not at all. She was a very cute baby?" I look at her and she's bright red "Was? Am I still cute?" I roll my eyes playfully and look at all the pictures her mom is showing, with pauses for explanations. Sarah's gotten over the embarrassment by now so she's just cuddling up to me while we chat. We loose track of time and hours fly by. It's around dinner time by now so we join Sarah's mom in the kitchen to help her cook. I'd say we make a pretty good team. In the matter of a day it seems like Sarah and I fixed our relationship. Sure, along the road, there'll be hiccups but this feels good, this feels right. We share good memories at the dinner table and we create an elated feeling that no one could exclude themselves from. I look out the window and see the sun setting "Hey Sarah, what do you say about watching the sunset on the beach?" She smiles brightly "That sounds like a great idea." We looks to her mom for approval and she nods "Go one, you love birds." We laugh a bit and go outside and I got sit on her swing, just as I had done almost a year ago. She layed down, resting her head on my lap. I gently play with her luxurious hair. I look down at her face and she smiles back at me so sweetly "Shawn?" I let go of her hair "Yes, sweetheart?" She reaches her hand to her neck and takes a necklace out from under the collar of her shirt. It's the rose I gave her when I asked her to be my girlfried "You kept it?" She nods "Of course, I was so afraid that I had just lost you completely, I couldn't let this part of you go. I just really need to know.. Do you forgive me? For what I did?" I hold her hand comfortingly "Yeah, I do. You had you reasons. Our relationship as a whole was rushed and established on odd foundations and conditions. You had every right to do what you did. I'm just glad you're mine, again." She beams at me, a tear rolling down her cheek. I wipe it away with my thumb "I know you're sorry Sarah, It's okay. How about we head back in? It's starting to get chilly. She sniffles "Yeah, you're right. We can stay here tonight, I'm sure my mom won't mind." I let her get up first and I follow her. Her mom is standing by the door "Sarah, go upstairs and get the room ready for you two. I want to talk to Shawn." My heart drops a little and I see Sarah pale too. She walks off and her mom turns to me "Relax buddy, I just want to say thank you. You're the best thing to have ever happened to my daughter. She's a little bit crazy and I apologize for that, she gets it from me. You're always welcome here. You're familiy to me, Shawn. Thank you." I hug her mom "Thank you, all of that means a lot to me. Sarah's changed my life too. Thank you for raising her to be the amazing woman she is." She nods at me "Go on, I'm sure Sarah's already missing you." I laugh a bit and go meet Sarah in the room. SHe shrieks and I freeze in my steps "I'm getting dressed, Shawn!" I laugh hard for a moment "Well, it's nothing I haven't seen before, babygirl." She meekly lets me through the door "Well, I guess you're right." I stand off to the side and she smirks at me "Wanna do, you know, something..?" I raise my eybrow, nodding while I take a few steps closer to her. She leans over her bed then turns around, hitting me in the dead centre of my chest "Pillow fight, Mendes!"

A/N: Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment! ❤️ 

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